Sunday, 21 August 2016

Planning Ahead

Planning Ahead ©
By Michael Casey

Planning ahead, or making a list is what we all should do, there is only so much you can keep in your head, so we put things down on paper or write in the sand if you are on a beach, or on a blackboard if you are a teacher, but best of all you can put it on your PC. I plan my stories in my head and then woosh I put them into Word, it’s a bit like the doors opening on the Metro and everybody spills out, or at Harrods Sale when everybody spills in, or Black Friday, whatever springs to your mind that’s how it is, a kind of explosion, like when you shake your Dr Pepper and then take the cork off, sticky ice cold drink everywhere. But you’re glad you have it on paper.

At the moment we are planning a few things, and we have a family discussion, what about his, what about that, and did you think of this and did you think about that. However on the other hand, what if this and what if that, and what will your friends say when they find out, will they help or will they say that they’d do anything for love but not that, never that, how could we expect them to support us if we did such a thing. They could not hold their head up high any more, they would be shamed by association, they could never go in the butchers and ask for two chops and a kidney, plus a few scraps for the cat.

Now what exactly are we planning? Are we going to go Vegan or vote for Corbyn or even for Trump? I cannot really tell you what the plan is as it’s so fluid, like my spilt coffee all over my printer yesterday, I had to mop it all up, and my plan has to be contained too, or the effect will be spoilt, like all good Theatre everything is in the timing, so you’ll just have to trust me I’m a writer, or trust me I’m a priest if that makes you more confident in me. See everything will be all right in the end, as my dad used to say When God Made Time He Made Plenty of It. Or as my mother used to say God is Good and With the Help Of God and Two Policemen everything will be ok. So trust my planning, if only I could find that piece of paper, did I use it to mop up my spilt coffee, no use crying over that.

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