Sunday 22 July 2018

Here's some Random Connections

Here’s some Random Connections©
Michael Casey

Well I’ve just been asked for CHOCOLATE, or rather my big daughter has demanded a Bounty, so I have to stop to pay the bounty, then I’ll be back with you. Teenage daughter are so demanding, but at least she brought in my drawers from the washing line, so they cannot be spotted from the space station, nor stray parachutists using them as target landing places. So I’ll pause with Simon and Garfunkel playing, with the cat snoring along on the back of the sofa while I run to the Polish shop before it closes, otherwise there will be a bounty on my head and it wont be chocolate. I hope you notice how I weave in real life drama into my stories, what you haven’t noticed? I’m going to sulk now, I’ll have a moan with Julian and Sandy from round the Horne, you can google that for yourself.

Now where was I? It’s4.30pm another day, Sunday 22nd July now, just in case any of you are archiving my writing. The storm has passed, and I was up in the night with pain, its so very unpredictable, when and where pain comes. At least my computer is fixed now, it might just be too much anti virus software, or good old Windows 10 having a Benny as they used to say. So if I cannot sleep I can always fix the computer, or even think about a new piece.

Now today if you have spotted today’s message the wife has lost her voice, so in the middle of the night just before I crept back to bed I thought what if I lost my voice too. So I left a note on the coffee table stating I had lost my voice. And still after 1/2 the day is over she believes me. I winked at my small daughter, and she smiled knowingly, then she ruined it by telling he big sister. You must never tell anybody not even your small daughter if you want to keep a secret, or a joke for that matter. My wife still does not know and is asleep like a pig on sofa. I should post a photo but we keep our  media lives separate. My photos are not suitable for Linked IN after all, and I’m not on it anyway.

I spotted Germany having a reading fest so hello to you all, Ich Lieb dich if I’ve spelt that right. As you know I was in Frankfurt at Hotel Achat in Offenbach back in 2008, it really was great. I assume they have had the room fumigated by now, and replaced the bed after my heavy weight stay. I did have a metal bed collapse once under my weight, you can track down that story for yourselves. Though it was an ill wind that blew no good as a passing Polish guy rescued it from the street and hammered it into shape, no doubt him and his beautiful wife are smoking in it now, the Poles tend to smoke a lot.

Yes I realise that some of you misplace my words and their meaning, assuming I’m thinking what you are thinking, but as Gill from StatsMR used to say, you are going up that garden path again, and again and again. Rather like a Status Que song, its all in the rhythm and the beat after all, rolled up magazines not included. That was for all you Political Scientists out there, and why is the BBC better than Sky, its all about coverage? The BBC uses bigger paper, rolled up, and no I’m not talking about smoking of a different kind.

Where was I, there was somebody at the front door and I’m all in my scruffs, at least I showered earlier. When a stranger arrives it does put you off your flow. In actual fact it was a Fairy Godmother, yes really, I don’t just make this up, it was Fran, a real Godmother, a nice white lady with an Afro hairdo. She’s my small daughter’s Godmother, she just dropped by with a present for my small daughter. I thought she had come to demand the return of a library book, she is in fact a member of the Library staff at the end of the road. Her husband is the organist and choir master from church, he really knows how to make people cry. Not due to his organ skills or lack of them, but rather he use to work for the Inland Revenue, or IRS as the say in USA. Thinking on it, in the Untouchables there is a little bald guy from the IRS, well they could be related, they look so similar.

I hope they laugh if ever they read this, or I could be hung from the bell tower. Which reminds me of Chuck Berry’s song My Ding a Ling, though that does sound like one of my Chinese relatives. Or will I be accused of being “Wordist”. Snowflakes everywhere want to be wrapped in cotton wool and not experience real life, Casey Jones was a tv show about the steam train driver in USA, I believe as a child the drummer from The Monkees featured in it. And yes when I was small, and I was well below 200lbs once, Casey Jones was shouted at me in the school yard.

I think that’s enough random connections for today, I think we have some Ice Cream Soda pop in the fridge so I’ll have some of that. I’m lucky now that I’m older, at least my brother does not pee in the old glass pop bottles anymore. He knew I used to drink the dregs, so he left his surprise pee in each and every bottle. That’s an example of family love, some families never interact with each other, they don’t even bother to pee in pop bottles, ready for their little brother to drink.

Today I have lost my voice

Today I have lost my voice, I was up with pain in the night, and so I used the time to fix my PC yet again, before going back to  bed 2 hours later.

I decided as my wife had lost her voice, she talks non stop a part of her job anyway, I decided to lose my voice too. So I left a note on the coffee table and in the morning I could hear her laughing, which sounded like the laughter of an old lady of 100, who smoked 80 a day for 50 years.

In actual fact I have not lost my voice at all. Its a joke.

I'll see how long before my 3 detectives and totoro  our cat take to work it out

Saturday 21 July 2018

Random Connections

I just screamed to the kids, bring the washing in, they are up in their eyrie so you have to shout. And they do have to do their chores. So I added Cinderella Rockerfella. This remineded me of something from 50 years ago,. An old song.

so here is a link for you all to listen to.

and you can search for more.

i may write a new piece called Random Connections later, but I make no promises. Though generally the high heat has kept lots of pain away. my pharmacist used the term PNE regarding pain today, you can google that too.

my wife has lost her voice, so can you imagine the rejoicing from the kids. i make no comment, remember as a Shanghai girl she has great knife skills, as Shanghai people love to cook, and I don't want my goose cooked either. Lech, Boris and Gregorgi's wives come round to practice chopping water melons, its a kind or girl bonding thing. 3 Eastern girls and a far Eastern girl.

Friday 20 July 2018

I've released loads on my Blogger plus Wordpress sites

Friday, 20 July 2018

I've released loads on my Blogger plus Wordpress sites






I had to have a nap as I was so tired, it  may be the heat, and as I talk to you I had a stab pain in my heart. All of which is painfully normal for me, its just skeletal muscular pain, post bypass pain.  And yes I SCREAM and yes it really hurts. So stay healthy...

to buy a copy.

and if you go to

there are maybe 500 stories to read including many Translations, especially in


Thursday 19 July 2018

Something for the Summer Holidays 500 stories or so reloaded

Something for the Summer Holidays     500 stories or so reloaded

for a short time only here's some Summer reading.






I had to have a nap as I was so tired, it  may be the heat, and as I talk to you I had a stab pain in my heart. All of which is painfully normal for me, its just skeletal muscular pain, post bypass pain.  And yes I SCREAM and yes it really hurts. So stay healthy...

to buy a copy.

you can buy them at:-

Wednesday 18 July 2018

Wednesday Evening 9pm

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Wednesday Evening 9pm

Wednesday Evening 9pm ©
Michael Casey
Apologies to Simon and Garfunkel fans but I could not think what to call this piece, so I looked at the clock and then at the wall calendar, and that’s how I titled this piece. I’ve had a quiet day, I stumbled over something and I could end up making a new friend, he’s in a Blues Band, but somehow I think not. I may put Celine Dion’s song on, where she sings in French, Le Blues du Businessman I love that song, join in everybody, I want to be an Artist, but in French.
As usual what has that got to do with anything? I thought this morning I might write something, nice, a poem perhaps. I was thinking how can you describe a Mother’s Love, or All Our Mother’s Love. I had a line or two in my head, and I was thinking how best to put it on paper. Poems are like feathers, you have to coax them, to blow them onto the page, to gently blow them into position. They are like the toddler walking in the street with mum or grandpa, you have to guard they don’t walk into the road, training straps are far safer, but like a poem you have to be ever so gentle, or you will hurt the toddler. And so it is with a poem, it’s like directing a bubble, if you poke it then it bursts, shattering like an egg yolk for morning breakfast.
Where there is anger, let there be love.
Where there are lies, let there be light.
Where there are tears, let the dawn of smiles break through.
Where hearts are broken, let them be mended by kindness.
Where fear has taken over, let laugher ring out again.
Where clouds hang forever, let the swings of love disperse sadness.
Where there is doubt, let a mother’s certainty ring and shout out.
Where confidence is lost, let a dad’s strength hold out a hand of love.
Where strength has failed, let a grandpa’s never-ending hope strengthen us.
When all is lost, refuse to die, refuse to give up, refuse refuse refuse
For when all is lost, when family is not enough we still have friends
For when the dice is loaded against us and they divide our clothes.
We still Prayer, we have more friends in very high places  indeed.
For we have a friend in the highest place of all, In God We Trust.
Well that’s the best I could come up with in my hour at the keyboard, I hope my new friend in the Blues Band sees this, he could put it to music, he’s not very busy nowadays. And with that I’ll quit while  I’m ahead,

Are Missionaries Reading Me?

Are Missionaries Reading Me?

I check who is reading me every morning after breakfast. Today on my Wordpress Nigeria is having a read. They are reading the full Spanish translation of
The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker, others on my Blogger sites are looking at the Italian translation, they will have to switch to Wordpress to read the ending. France is a big reader right now, so hello to Yvetot Normandy if it is them. And Chantel too.

You can of course buy all the books on Amazon, for the price of a beer.

as for me I tried one of those Epilepsy pain killers an hour ago, instead of a paracetamol, pain seems to have lessened, but they don't do anything for Tinnitus.

Anyway whoever you are, black or white or green, of great faith or a cursing taxi driver, Putin's driver or a bus driver, or just a stumbler, thanks for reading me, put it on your 2,000,000,000 FaceBook pages. Though I am NOT on FB myself.
But it might help my traffic if you mention the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England.

Come back later I might write something new.

well I may have found a needle in a haystack + Birmingham is Ballet a story from before PUTIN went insane

well I may have found a needle in a haystack I don't know until the magnet is used is that a good enough metaphor for you all my tinnitu...