Sunday, 26 May 2024

thank you and good night

 the noise in my head has led to physical pain today

and my left shoulder too

not to mention my hernia in my chest

like I'm hanging from a meat hook in my chest

no I'm. not making it up

any of the three could be , too horrible on their own

so if my words suddenly stop


there is a reason too it

or will you hold a party to celebrate

the joys of sleep

TINNITUD for company

getting 2 hour chunks for sleep

that's when in the dark of the might

I send random emails

I don't suck up to anybody

so if you think you deserve a suck

forget it

I'm as good as anybody and so are YOU

so I'll stop now

one more day of penicillin

at least Im not  contagious now

but I do choke and can barely breathe at times

So either pray for my health

or go down the off licence and buy your beer

ready to party


but who knows

My hearts desire may be reading this

but God has a sense of humour

it' probably Putin in drag as he flies away to Shanghai

with all his bling in an Antonoff transport plane


remember that and I believe in Mary not Politicians

so in the end its a foregone conclusion

The Immaculate Heart of Mary will win

but say some Rosaries, so she hurries up

see I'm certified

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...