Tuesday, 21 May 2024

Health and Love

Health and Love

neither cost anything

but both are priceless

The final word in The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker by Michael Casey. (that's me)



and for good reason

Michael Casey <michaelgcasey@gmail.com>

Mary mother of Jesus be a mother to Ukraine yesterday today and tomorrow

Michael Casey <michaelgcasey@gmail.com>21 May 2024 at 07:30
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Search Results

2 Mar 2022 — The Ukraine as a country has suffered very much and yet has been blessed by apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
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Did the blessed mother appear in Ukraine?
It is believed that in about 1505 the Blessed Virgin appeared in Hrushiv and that the local people had planted a willow tree at the site. Sometime later a spring of water appeared beneath the tree.2 Mar 2022
What is Mary's famous quote?
Top 10 Best Mother Mary Quotes:

"And Mary said, 'Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.' And the angel departed from her." "His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do [it]." "And Mary said, 'My soul glorifies the Lord.'"
Was Ukraine consecrated to Mary in 1037?
What does it mean to consecrate Russia to Mary?
What was Queen Mary's famous quote?
What was Mary's last words?
What is the name Mary in Ukraine?
Was Ukraine a Catholic country?
Who is Mary Queen of Ukraine?
Therefore, Mother of God and our mother, to your Immaculate Heart we solemnly entrust and consecrate ourselves, the church and all humanity, especially Russia ...
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1 Mar 2022 — In the icon, Mary is surrounded by angels, holding a piece of fabric above people and offering protection — a prayer for many Ukrainians today.
mary mother  of jesus be s mother to Ukraine now and always from udayton.edu
25 Mar 2022 — Between May and October 1917, Lúcia de Jesus Rosa dos Santos (later Sister Maria Lúcia of Jesus and of the Immaculate Heart) and her cousins ...
mary mother  of jesus be s mother to Ukraine now and always from www.thecatholicnetwork.co.uk
A prayer for personal devotion to join Pope Francis in the consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on March 25.
mary mother  of jesus be s mother to Ukraine now and always from mycatholic.life


Opinion | What Men Can Learn From Mary, Mother of Jesus - The ...
Opinion | What Men Can Learn From Mary, Mother of Jesus - The ...
The New York Times
Mary as a symbol of protection for Ukrainian Christians ...
Mary as a symbol of protection for Ukrainian Christians ...
University of Dayton
Our Lady, Protector of Ukraine, Pray for Peace. 🕊 | Our Lady ...
Our Lady, Protector of Ukraine, Pray for Peace. 🕊 | Our Lady ...
Our Lady of the Angels Province
Mary, Mother of Jesus, Please Be a Mother to Me Now - FAMILY ...
Mary, Mother of Jesus, Please Be a Mother to Me Now - FAMILY ...
family of st. sharbel usa
25 Mar 2022 — Mother Mary, we now desire to welcome you into our lives and our history. At this hour, a weary and distraught humanity stands with you beneath ...
1 Mar 2022 — As one of the first countries to ever be consecrated to the Mother ... Now, as ... Virgin Mary and the Christ child in traditional Ukrainian attire.
mary mother  of jesus be s mother to Ukraine now and always from udayton.edu
9 Mar 2022 — 'We see that the Blessed Virgin has covered us with a veil. God appeared to us and gave ...
mary mother  of jesus be s mother to Ukraine now and always from www.ncregister.com
Blessed Mother, we place your children in Ukraine and Russia into your hands. We ask you to embrace, and protect them from all evil.
mary mother  of jesus be s mother to Ukraine now and always from acnuk.org
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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...