Thursday, 16 May 2024

Tinnitus and Pain back with a vengeance 16May 2024

Tinnitus and Pain back with a vengeance  

I may have a good hour or two but then the noise and pain

return to hurt me

the noise so much, that it is physical pain

and then shoulder pain

so much, and even my hemp and neem

don't work or take forever to kick in

Ive managed to get a cold as well

I'm so full of snot and coughing it up has hurt me

as for my hernia that hurts as well

A litany or Pain

Tonight Cohan has been pushed a lot

SO the defence is painting him as a LIAR

and Trump is as white as Virgin Snow

and the GOP come to kiss his backside


All this nonsense would not fly in UK

The DJT Truth rubbish

as Ive read a month ago

That will Bankrupt Trump Finally and Totally

GOP is TOTALLY corrupted now

so they have to be wiped out

Then rebuilt maybe

Two years in the Wilderness and so forth

eating Locusts and wild honey

Little wonder Putin took a chance

and little wonder  I reach for the Rosary

which does not make me holy

I am far from it

But I do know that Prayer works

Putin and Trump only believe in MONEY

I also inherited my Mother's Faith

so I know in the End Russia will be converted

or CHANGED because that's what Fatima teaches us

and Russia needs and Deserves it

or will the world be destoyed in 70 mins

and 5 billion die, because of Putin arrogance

and you think the moron Trump would

bring Peace, in a day

He cannot even change his own nappy

I court room news is correct

Nobody is an angel in the Stormy case

but did Trump Know and Pay

not because he loved his wife

while he cheated with a mistress

and cheated doubly with Stormy

Facts Detail Proof

or am I am the world mistaken

Trump is totally a Virgin

and the Idea of being President

did not matter, for the love of a good woman

Barron, you can pick your friends but not your Family

BBC Radio 4, that was my University for 20 years

then a year learning to write

Then a practicing writer since 29 Feb 1988

3,000,000 words later, if you want to count

55 years plus

That's why I know I'm good and not self deluded

and still made no money from it

So your dad would call me as failure

I won't tell you what I'd all him

I'll leave that to your imagination

tired out, lack of proper sleep for years, and battling Tinnitus

Ckd, arthritis and other stuff

my best Benny Hill look

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...