Friday, 3 May 2024

got up for breakfast and a break from. being a target for tinnitus in bed

 I'll have a final slot of sleep then get up

the tinnitus is terrible lately

and pain no fun either

but each time i wake up

i send emails to Moscow

eventually one will work

so i carry on

Amnesty International

the Michael Casey way, kind of

or lunacy from an idiot

but if it worked

nobel prize

and i'd say I only did it for the crown

titles are meaninghless

i'd rather have a rosary from the pope's trouser pocket

but the cleaning lady's probably

has far more influence with mary

i'll find out, if they let me in

on verra  as the french say

and they all speak ENGLISH in heaven

just to annoy the french

 Though I have much better dreams than that.

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...