Saturday 3 February 2018
Lady Gaga and Me
I had to get up in the night for an hour due to pain. I've just read about Gaga having to cancel shows due to her pain, so I can really relate to that. I hope she can still be Creative from her home studio even if she cannot tour.
So now it's 10.30am and I've had breakfast and my morning meds and Totoro the cat has returned from her night out. So I'm reading the news on the computer. Only in America can the Police be harassed by the person being investigated. It is all very worrying, I stayed up all night when I was a kid to watch Nixon resign on tv. I can remember Nixon's over exaggerated wave goodbye. Now it seems Trump can do anything and get away with it. You don't have a King in USA but he acts like one. From Over here in UK he looks like a child that nobody wants to discipline, nobody wants to say you are acting like a playground bully. And it needs to be said. In Shakespeare a Fool can tell the King the truth. Who has that role or duty in USA now?
We await the disaster that will come before anybody says we should have done something. Michael Moore said he would win and he did. Moore also said he'd resign out of boredom or there would be a Constitutional Crisis, if I remember correctly.
This is not me saying USA is bad, I think the opposite. USA is Great, but God is greater still. But all these "Religious Right" people seem to have forgotten their Bible. Jesus is meek and mild, because he has so much Power. Einstein did not go around telling everybody HE was a genius, and they say HE was 50 years ahead of the game.
Now we have somebody who exaggerates just as a Fisherman does about the size of his catch, though with Trump it's the size of his hands. Please grown up Donald. Be a Fisher of Men, grow the Talent of the USA and of the world. Grow and Sow that's what you should be doing. Not boasting and boasting. The widow's mite shows up Humility, just as the Sadducees standing at the front of Temple boasting just how great they are and really they are the best of the best. When in reality who will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven first, or if at all.
Donald you can be the President you want to be and should be. But to do that you have to remember you are a servant, and a little humility can go a long long way. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. History already shows you as a blundering buffoon, no IQ test needed to prove that. I'm just a child pointing out that the Emperor is naked and wearing no clothes. How long do WE THE PEOPLE have to wait before you the Emperor looks in mirror and notices that you are naked totally naked.
At that moment Donald you have the chance to Look in the Mirror and Change, but will you? Or is your Pride preventing you from becoming the Lion that led USA into the new future. A future of Hope and Infrastructure Renewal, not just of roads but of People. You should be reaching for the stars Donald, but instead you are in the gutter. No amount of money can make you rich Donald, its the Richness of Spirit and Love which makes USA great, or any nation great.
The stock market will fall Donald, and soon, then the real test will begin. The Stock of the People is in their Hearts, you cannot buy Shares in Hearts Donald. A heart has to be freely given Donald, and as Valentine approaches Donald are you man enough to heal a broken heart. The broken heart of America, the divided heart of America. In Citizen Kane we hear Rosebud, this refers to the sledge the billionaire had as a child. It was the most important thing in Citizen Kane's life, but he only realised it as he lay on his death bed. Nobel read his own obituary and instituted the Prize.
Donald you have 3 more years or even 7, or less if you decide to go home and play more golf with Barron. Its time to step up to the plate and bat for everybody, not just for your own ego. Humility is absence of ego. It is about putting other's first. Yes put America first, but that should mean putting your ego last. Would Jesus wear a T shirt saying I'm the Almighty?
So now it's 10.30am and I've had breakfast and my morning meds and Totoro the cat has returned from her night out. So I'm reading the news on the computer. Only in America can the Police be harassed by the person being investigated. It is all very worrying, I stayed up all night when I was a kid to watch Nixon resign on tv. I can remember Nixon's over exaggerated wave goodbye. Now it seems Trump can do anything and get away with it. You don't have a King in USA but he acts like one. From Over here in UK he looks like a child that nobody wants to discipline, nobody wants to say you are acting like a playground bully. And it needs to be said. In Shakespeare a Fool can tell the King the truth. Who has that role or duty in USA now?
We await the disaster that will come before anybody says we should have done something. Michael Moore said he would win and he did. Moore also said he'd resign out of boredom or there would be a Constitutional Crisis, if I remember correctly.
This is not me saying USA is bad, I think the opposite. USA is Great, but God is greater still. But all these "Religious Right" people seem to have forgotten their Bible. Jesus is meek and mild, because he has so much Power. Einstein did not go around telling everybody HE was a genius, and they say HE was 50 years ahead of the game.
Now we have somebody who exaggerates just as a Fisherman does about the size of his catch, though with Trump it's the size of his hands. Please grown up Donald. Be a Fisher of Men, grow the Talent of the USA and of the world. Grow and Sow that's what you should be doing. Not boasting and boasting. The widow's mite shows up Humility, just as the Sadducees standing at the front of Temple boasting just how great they are and really they are the best of the best. When in reality who will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven first, or if at all.
Donald you can be the President you want to be and should be. But to do that you have to remember you are a servant, and a little humility can go a long long way. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. History already shows you as a blundering buffoon, no IQ test needed to prove that. I'm just a child pointing out that the Emperor is naked and wearing no clothes. How long do WE THE PEOPLE have to wait before you the Emperor looks in mirror and notices that you are naked totally naked.
At that moment Donald you have the chance to Look in the Mirror and Change, but will you? Or is your Pride preventing you from becoming the Lion that led USA into the new future. A future of Hope and Infrastructure Renewal, not just of roads but of People. You should be reaching for the stars Donald, but instead you are in the gutter. No amount of money can make you rich Donald, its the Richness of Spirit and Love which makes USA great, or any nation great.
The stock market will fall Donald, and soon, then the real test will begin. The Stock of the People is in their Hearts, you cannot buy Shares in Hearts Donald. A heart has to be freely given Donald, and as Valentine approaches Donald are you man enough to heal a broken heart. The broken heart of America, the divided heart of America. In Citizen Kane we hear Rosebud, this refers to the sledge the billionaire had as a child. It was the most important thing in Citizen Kane's life, but he only realised it as he lay on his death bed. Nobel read his own obituary and instituted the Prize.
Donald you have 3 more years or even 7, or less if you decide to go home and play more golf with Barron. Its time to step up to the plate and bat for everybody, not just for your own ego. Humility is absence of ego. It is about putting other's first. Yes put America first, but that should mean putting your ego last. Would Jesus wear a T shirt saying I'm the Almighty?
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