Tuesday, 17 January 2023

peak in usa today

peak in usa today

so why do they bother?

something to cheer themselves up with

as Trump and the liars of the GOP continue

Yes LIARS, Trump lost 2 years ago

A Nation Divided and staggering

I am Adolf Hitler, elect me

I am Mussolini, elect me

And it's all on tape

But you still voted for me John Doe

and now Even some GOP don't want me

So I'll continue drawing my pay

This is madness, no wonder Putin thought he'd get away with it

Now as Ukrainians bleed and die

Good old GOP want to deny the funds to save a Nation

This is beyond sick

1/2 wits don't realise this really is Fatima times

Its now or never to rid the earth

Of Greed and Love of Money and that's just in Russia

I could cry, and I do with my own pain and noise

As my dad used to say, there is always money for WAR

But better Government and remove and don't allow CLOWNS

to get elected in the first place

Would benefit all the Human Race

Though some in  GOP think White 70 somethings 

Should decide Everything for all The Rainbow Colours

of all the USA citizens

Because White is the only colour allowed and WASPs too

They should open their eyes and look all around

Or are they blinded by white light

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In the morning I'll try and write a new story story, Tinnitus permitting

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