Friday, 6 January 2023

Epiphany in a Toilet

Epiphany in a Toilet

today is when the Kings showed up

All 3 of Them

though with Harry's Tantrums they may never come again

A spike in USA again

So are you stuck in a toilet

Waiting to be rescued

So you read me, while you are sat there

or maybe just maybe you got an email 

from me while I was stuck in Tinnitus time

in bed not with a gay Roman lover

but with a lot of hiss

Just like at a Pantomime

But without all the cross dressing

Just noise worse than a fart that lingers

forever and ever again

driving you around the U bend and back again

as you read me

or you could be an artist who wants to draw  for me

So this is your Epiphany 

while shepherds wash their socks by night, all seated in the sink

So don't mind the stink just carry on reading

Because of Tinnitus I cannot write Story Stories

as I cannot think for a full hour

An hour is all I need as I am very quick

so you get these which are my Bullet Points

So pardon me and hurry up out of the toilet

Or as these is paper in there 

Maybe I should put it down in a Book

Enough I have to stop now my left shoulder

is killing me, and my Tinnitus exploding

Weather and noise can affect it, the deaf one

and my good ear is hypersensitive

Just like me

Is the Toilet free now

Or should I leave my stuff on the floor

For as you know Michael Casey is a stinker

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In the morning I'll try and write a new story story, Tinnitus permitting

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