Sunday, 15 January 2023

How do I decide what to write

How do I decide what to write

I look out the window, see something and away I go

Or there was a news item

or something was on tv or family

that spurs an idea

as a rule I don't plan

after 20 years of Radio Listening

and now 35 years since I started writing

55 years in love with words

I should be a as quick and good as I am

and if you don't agree

go write your own stuff instead of stealing mine

Tinnitus slows me down so you get bullet points like this

and if there is sadness in the air

like yet another mass killing in USA

it upsets me, obviously, so i don't write or cannot

I'm not a machine, I do have feelings

pain and mine is massive on a daily basis

that slows me down too, depending on how many hours I lose

i'm a collection of  diseases held together by Tinnitus and snot

In my head I'm 20 and still adorable

on a good day after a wash and shave I do look younger generally

my birth certificate is much older than me

BUT on pain days, I feel 95

and would not mind if the undertaker took me away

Yes the pain is that bad and worse

So don't judge me

How would you behave if you walked in my shoes

I awake every 2 hours in the night too

and when it's finally time to get up for the day

My Tinnitus. is enough to send me to TimBukToo

so loud it physically hurts so I have to wait for it to dial back

Then TONES, like an extractor fan in bathroom or on the cooker

and trigger my Tinnitus to higher levels again

Cold weather makes my Tinnitus get worse too

Just as arthritis is worse in cold too

and imagine when my arthritic left shoulder kicks off

with my Tinnitus as well, I've had a trip or two to hospital

And pain killers are limited as my Kidneys are  rubbish

Serve them with onions would be a better idea

Apart from that, I'm even. more desirable than George Clooney

so will Amal dump him for me, or. Korean typist turn up

and type for me

That is another story, maybe I'll write it some day

Have  an English Breakfast on me, I don't have them as I'm still in bed

still waiting for this to arrive, maybe the undertaker will bring it

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