Monday, 7 November 2022

GFR 25 now

 had latest results my GFR is 25 now

normal maybe 75 and more

so any sinners out there reading this

Pray for my kidneys

Sinners prayers have more power

thats if they good

road to Damascus and all that

Mass online from Canada is always nice

find it on Utube

and Mass from UK is nice too

Or if you are Muslim

Prayers for the Faithful can also 

be found online

so pray for my Health once a day

Pakistan and Arab countries are amongst

my readers in 100 places

I am wide spread, through lacking in depth

but like Guinness distribution

I can be found everywhere

Hello to John Gordon too if it was you

reading me in New Zealand

you saved me back in days

when all I did was visit my dad in the old people's home

big man, who broke his leg twice

but he's a big football fan

even if I always mixed his name up 

with Tub of Lard, or JC the clever guy

Yes it's really me doing all this writing

That's all for now

I have to catch up on my Kdrama

the current on reminds me of

Parasite the film that won an Oscar

Stay happy always everybody

and here's a link with my Voice

so you can put a voice to my silly pictures

and yes pray that Putin's reign of terror ends tonight    

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...