Thursday, 17 November 2022

its safe to read all of me

Previous Post has a WARNING first ever after 4050 Posts WHY?

I contested it, they removed it

so go back and enjoy the story so far book 21

Was it the Picture of my dinner

OR was it the mention of Putin and KGB and FSB

was it the mention of Post Trump

was it the Holy Picture

Like the ones I send daily to Moscow

Was it telling off time wasters

for putting my email address on 

various websites

or me telling people off for 

saying don't ask me to do anything illegal

or was it me

inviting my Korean and French reader

who click immediately to say hello

NOW if this is banned too

That would be 2 in a row


Maybe it was the Truth

and Trump continues to HIDE and LIE

about that

or was it Twitter mention

I'm only on 3 Bloggers

and 1 Wordpress

Or maybe somebody wants to Silence Me

We all need the Sound of Silence

And that is in UKRAINE

Putins animals need to leave

and disarm forever

Fatima is the Word

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