Monday, 28 November 2022

chatting with the girls

chatting with the girls

WhatsApp means I can be in 2 or 3 places at once

Talking to the family, not bio-location

I'm far from Holy enough to do that

When Lockdown came to the UK

I made sure I could see my sister

so she has a cheap phone for WhatsApp

I gave it to her

so I can see as well as hear her

though we always used to shout

SHUT UP, as she is forever singing

To sing is to Doubly Praise, Saint Cecilia and all that

Ditto with my daughters

Who want daily, or even hourly updates

on Totoro our CAT

the cat is the most important thing

Now I've just slapped on some Hemp

Pain Killer cream, so I smell of it

Next Glitch is my latest Kdrama

The music is great, the hippy girl looks familiar

But 20 kilos lighter, if she was the girl in the

La La music Kdrama from before

The Korean girls change so much

Their husbands/boyfriends must think they are

dating 4 or 5 different women

Its confusing to my Western eyes

though  I can only look Far East

as I have a Shanghai connection

for more than 20 years

two daughters to prove it

who look more western, but very very pretty

Little wonder I told my daughters to make

friends with Black Belt people, and I do 

not mean Fashionistas

when they are home, my 120plus kilos

keeps them safe,

or is it my personality that keeps the fear of God

in people, and my daughters safe

Wait till you are a dad then you'll understand

I was talking today on WhatsApp to them

about Transferable skills

So 20 years of Radio, 3 years hotel, talking to 100,000 people

20 years of writing, Presenting Course before Hotel

all that equals Excellent, Excellent, Exemplary 

when I was teaching Esol

and that's just one reason my stuff could be used

to teach English Easily

But who will pay me or give me a chance


So the key is never be disappointed

Enjoy you Life and Do what you can do

But always do your best, as my own dad said to me

Because I am a SOB, a Son of a Blacksmith from Kerry Eire

on Amazon, perfect for your Italian friends

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...