Music Power ©
Michael Casey
I was
going to talk about Ariana Grande but I thought she might not understand the
British sense of humour. As you know Taylor Swift does a bit of high dusting for
me, she is so very tall after all. Then last night Ariana’s concert was on tv
so I thought, as Ariana is the bee’s knees, and likes jumping about, maybe she
could help Taylor out. So swing low, dust high, the perfect combination. I mean
Ariana has such very long hair, so as she practices her routines she could sweep my floor with her hair, and her nice
hairdresser could get any chewing gum
out later. My own daughter once got bangles or something stuck in her hair, so
my lawyer sister-in-law had to use chop sticks to untangle her hair, this was after
we landed at my brother’s house for Christmas dinner, if I look I may even have
a photo of it somewhere. We are a Shanghai/Birmingham family after all, so we
had plenty of chopsticks, and I don’t mean on our old piano either. Anyway that
was the idea, but Arians might not approve, so I won’t bother.
was just down the chip shop getting salt shaken at her, and not for a tap dancing
routine in front of the frier. The Friars do live next door in a church, they
like chips too, that’s why they are so fat. No Taylor had her head turned, the
boy, still spotty despite his years, the boy said I’d just do a bit of battering
and dip your fish on both sides, before letting it bubble away, to get crispy
and so very very tasty. Then when it’s ready I’ll whip it out and sprinkle salt
ever so lightly all over it, then I’ll add a scoop or two of freshly minted
chips, shaken not stirred. And just for you, a dollop of mayo too. You can see
why Taylor swooned, he gave her a free bottle of Irn Bru too, oh so very
Scottish, so Taylor skipped away happily up the hill to my door. All I could
hear was the heavy breathing, I thought old Mrs Aktar from next door was having an asthma attack,
or Juicy Lucy my neighbour on the other side was practicing mouth to mouth on
Annie, no she’s not a Lesbian, Annie is the dummy they use to teach first aid. But
no, it was Taylor not so Swifty bringing my dinner home, and I was very very
hungry. She did have a sneaky saveloy on the side, and you think butter would
not melt in her mouth. So that is the real reason she does my high dusting,
just so she can be near the boy from the Chippy. Her head has been turned, and
those marks on her back, from where she
leant on the counter where the cooked roe are keep in the warmer. The things
you do for LOVE, leaning on the chip frier, the boy and the deep fat frier. But
it does mean I get cheaper lunches, as Taylor has a smile on face, vinegar down
shirt, and a dash of mayo in her hair. Maybe she should ask Ariana can she borrow
her hair dresser.
Now what
has this got to do with anything? Well I’m going to talk more about Music, and Celine
has had the Courage to sing for me, and I’ve thrown a fish, non-battered, at
Seal so I’ll Carry On, and God is in for a treat, Dame Babs in Heaven, God help
him, but God Helps those who Help themselves, and Self Help is right up God’s
street, just past the Coronation pub. Taylor can explain that on her notice board,
the boy from the chip show allows her to use his chalk, and put the price of
his fish there on display.
has power, this Christmas we’ll think of mum stuffing the turkey for 13, the
eight of us plus our 5 lodgers, and Celine’s song reminds us of our mum, it was
playing the night she died, Because you Loved Me. And so she did, so emotions
flow as we hear that song, especially at Christmas. My own favourite song is
The Windmills of Your Mind, the Thomas
Crown Affair theme song, and if you’d followed my writing that’s self-explanatory.
Though Fr. Brain who decades later became Bishop Brain, used to call me Sancho
Panza as I followed my very tall brother. And Don Quixote did tilt at windmills, so there is the circle.
revolves around our lives, Seal is singing If I Could, and if I could I’d be a
Musician too, not the guy in the corner of the bar drinking and grooving from
afar. Certain words and phrases have
such power, Aux Armes Citoyens as the French
sing, words are uplifting, and we’ve all seen Musicals galore where a theme is
repeated and it beats your breast, and makes you tingle. This is the power of
music, Politicians have music at rallies too, until they get a cease and desist
notice from lawyers. Even Hitler had an association with music, but let’s leave
him to burn in Hell.
Seal is
still singing, Music takes you round and around, and it does I’m old enough to
remember when records were just that, with groves in, you didn’t have CDs, I
can actually remember when CDs appeared, it was on Tomorrow’s World, a science programme
on the BBC. James Burke is still alive, he went on to do Space programs, but
back then that’s how we heard about the Future via Tomorrow’s World. Now we
stream everything, and down load to phones. We had a plastic white trannie and
my eldest brother got a dedication on the radio, our dad heard it, this is 50
plus years ago. So Music moves us, it is a laxative that stops us from being
sad, and makes us move and groove about the house. We have music everywhere, no
need to carry the one tranny with us, we have smart speakers in nearly every
room. So music follows us and lead us, it is are permanent plus one. We are so
lucky, in the past it was a Long Way to Tipperary,
soldiers sung as the went off to war. No Good Morning Vietnam for decades, no
music on every channel.
Music does
channel us, it channels our love our passions, especially the English Channel, or
la Manche as the French call it. Which brings us back to fish and chips, the
British haut cuisine as the French may mock, but weren’t French sauces invented
to cover the taste of eating rats, in the 1870 siege of Paris in the Franco
Prussian war? But I won’t duck these hard questions, which reminds me we are having Peking Duck tonight, Ratatouille
one of Taylor’s friends provided the duck, from the bargain basement. As for Taylor she is scribbling
away all over the tablecloth, before she has to go and visit the boy in the chip
shop. He’ll just shake salt all over her, little wonder she’s glowing when she
returns with a free kebab for me. It’s the only reason I keep her on, as my
high duster. I’ve got the Music in Me, I let it take over, as I wipe kebab sauce
from my chin. Do you think if I ask nicely, Ariana might assist with the cleaning,
Taylor leaves a trail of salt everywhere. And Totoro our cat licks it up, leaving
cat spit all over my floor. And Totoro will be on a hot tin roof again tonight,
it’s all the salt in her system, it makes her want to dance the night away….
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