Thursday 24 May 2018


This is me, Michael Casey the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham the one in England 25th May 2018

OccupationHumour Writer of 1,310,000+ Words spread over 30 years like butter, ok I’m just a BAD housewife really, who writes while the breadwinner and kids are at work and school
LocationBirmingham in England,,United Kingdom
LinksAudio ClipWishlist
IntroductionI’m from Birmingham England, Don’t confuse me with anybody with SAME name. Look for the silly photos I add to my posts. Surreal is my favourite word too. I did get 21,000 Polish readers in 3 weeks just by word of mouth for a Translation of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker on my site. I have readers in 26 different countries.
InterestsWriting, watching films on tv with my girls. I’m from Birmingham England, Don’t confuse me with the Monk, or anybody else, I’m from Birmingham England, just look for the stupid photos I have written 1, 310, 000+ Words as of 21st May 2018 it can translate just click on square in top right corner ******** List of my 15 Books, written by me, Michael Casey The fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England 1.The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker 2.Shoplife 3.Essays and Plays 4.Blogs 2011 5.300 and Not OUT 6.Shorts 2013 7.More Shorts 2014 8.Quick Stories 9.Still Alive 2015 10.Undiscovered Words 2016 11.Still Smiling 2017 12.Altogether Now 13.New Horizons 14.14 Up 15.15 Down my sites are these:- The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker, Michael Casey from Birmingham England, michaelgcasey cartoons made with words I’m 80, 000 words into Sweet 16 which will be my next book, ONLY 20, 000 MORE AND i’LL PUT IT ON Amazon
Favourite FilmsIts a Wonderful Life, RED & Red2, Hot Fuzz, Star Trek films, The Quiet Man, and good Thrillers, Link is to 1950s Don Camillo film in English.
Favourite MusicJMJarre, Annie Lennox, BarryWhite, Celine, Clapton. I used to go to live music in a bar for years, so I know a good band when i hear one.
Favourite BooksDon Camillo, The Book Thief, The Daily Telegraph and most online newspapers,Even the Guardian. Amazon has my books if you hack through the jungle
All (1812)Draft (1804)Published (8) on Blogger
If you are wondering just how many pieces I have written then as you can see its 1812 with just 8 on view tonight.1812 as in the Overture includes any reposts I’ve done over the years.Don’t forget I have also written a 600+ page comedy drama novelThe Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker which has many many stories in it. And there are my plays too. All together 1,310,000 Words or soMaybe 4000 pages if piled high.
So thank you all  for reading my stuff, it was nice to see Russia reading my comedy about Lech, Boris and Gregorgi  as I said it would be a great cartoon.My Arthritis came out to play so I’ll write a new story in the morning. You can HEAR me read 50 or so stories here:-   and there are a couple of short videos on my Amazon page here:-
and maybe one day you’ll all start to buy a book, as this worker earns his pay.

this monk is Padre Pio, google Padre Pio and Me.....

Wednesday 23 May 2018

well a sunny day and you got a new story

well a sunny day and you got a new story

so i hoped you liked it

i got another blood test, they should just put a tap on my vein

our cat got washed

and I had another nap

so another day in paradise

i enjoy the Lech, Boris and Gregorgi stories

They could become a cartoon series

if only i could draw, all i can do is draw cartoons with words

that's why my backup site is called that

READ Don  Camillo if you like my stuff you should like the books

What else can I say, watch Wolverine the film is great, saw it again tonight

And say a prayer for your parents, the beginning of all our everythings

Night night

and yes on my "just some of my one million words by michael casey" site on wordpress

you can read a load of stuff.

I tidied up my Blogger as it was too full, besides in a month or so Sweet 16 will be launched on Amazon, its my shop window till Rupert Murdoch publishing picks me up.

Yes I live in Hope, its better to live that way they say, though I'd settle for the end to my Arthritis


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My blogs

About me

OccupationHumour Writer of 1,310,000+ Words spread over 30 years like butter, ok I'm just a BAD housewife really, who writes while the breadwinner and kids are at work and school
LocationBirmingham in England,,United Kingdom
LinksAudio ClipWishlist
IntroductionI'm from Birmingham England, Don't confuse me with anybody with SAME name. Look for the silly photos I add to my posts. Surreal is my favourite word too. I did get 21,000 Polish readers in 3 weeks just by word of mouth for a Translation of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker on my site. I have readers in 26 different countries.
InterestsWriting, watching films on tv with my girls. I'm from Birmingham England, Don't confuse me with the Monk, or anybody else, I'm from Birmingham England, just look for the stupid photos I have written 1, 310, 000+ Words as of 21st May 2018 it can translate just click on square in top right corner ******** List of my 15 Books, written by me, Michael Casey The fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England 1.The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker 2.Shoplife 3.Essays and Plays 4.Blogs 2011 5.300 and Not OUT 6.Shorts 2013 7.More Shorts 2014 8.Quick Stories 9.Still Alive 2015 10.Undiscovered Words 2016 11.Still Smiling 2017 12.Altogether Now 13.New Horizons 14.14 Up 15.15 Down my sites are these:- The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker, Michael Casey from Birmingham England, michaelgcasey cartoons made with words I'm 80, 000 words into Sweet 16 which will be my next book, ONLY 20, 000 MORE AND i'LL PUT IT ON Amazon
Favourite FilmsIts a Wonderful Life, RED & Red2, Hot Fuzz, Star Trek films, The Quiet Man, and good Thrillers, Link is to 1950s Don Camillo film in English.
Favourite MusicJMJarre, Annie Lennox, BarryWhite, Celine, Clapton. I used to go to live music in a bar for years, so I know a good band when i hear one.
Favourite BooksDon Camillo, The Book Thief, The Daily Telegraph and most online newspapers,Even the Guardian. Amazon has my books if you hack through the jungle

Lech, Boris and Gregorgi's big misadventure © finished story

Lech, Boris and Gregorgi's big misadventure ©

Michael Casey

The boys got off to a late start, they had left the magazine in the toilet, and they needed the magazine. What am I on about? Well the magazine belonged to Ivan and Ivan had given it to Lech with words of advice. Ivan was a very very old man and magazines was all he had in his life, because he was so very old. Lech was young at the time and as Lech and Boris and Gregorgi carried Ivan home Ivan had said Lech could have his magazine because he knew he’d be dead soon.

The magazine was an old National Geographical one, in French. Lech just put it in his pocket and carried on carrying Ivan home with his 2 cousins. Ivan was right, he was dead soon. Ivan was 97 and the final 15 pints was too much for him. Ivan was found dead in his chair by the fire with a big smile on his lips, 2 days later.Everybody assumed he’d been sleeping off the booze, but when he didn’t feed his dogs people heard the howling and came to see what the trouble was. There was no trouble, Ivan was dead, as stiff as a poker, but with a big smile on his lips.

His funeral was a great occasion with holy relics held in front of his coffin. Lech, Boris and Gregorgi dug the grave themselves as was the custom, you dig your friends and neighbours’ graves. Later in the day Lech looked at the magazine in French, but could not understand as it was not an Eastern language, but he enjoyed the pictures. Round things of all shapes and colours. And what am I talking about? Truffles of course. It was an article on truffles. Lech put the magazine on top of his wardrobe next to his riffle, and promptly forgot all about it.

The snow was deep, and they had nothing planned so they were watching tv together, together with a large supply of alcohol, they were boys from the East after all, not girls from the West. Up popped and item on truffles, they would have dropped their beer glasses but luckily they were drinking from bottles so they did not, it’s a sin to waste good alcohol, ask your mother if you don’t believe me. Lech stuttered, ok he dribbled, so much money for those things. Ivan gave me a magazine with pictures of truffles in before he died years ago. Lech reached up to the top of the wardrobe, only he accidentally pulled the trigger, CLICK. They all ducked instinctively. Lech was from the East so of course there were no bullets in the riffle. He ws not an American after all.

Together they looked at the pictures in the magazine, all the varieties and the price you could get just for small amounts. A small amount was as valuable as gold. As they flicked through the magazine a piece of paper fell out. It was in Ivan’s handwriting, it was a map and a message, we have truffles too, if you can find them. And that was all it took for the lads to think of having an adventure up in the mountains. Lech, Boris and Gregorgi the truffle hunters, not as dynamic as Indiana Jones, but it could make them a bit of money.

Lech needed the toilet, so still clutching the magazine he left the others to throw some things together, they would be going truffle hunting. They climbed into the snow plough and had gone 3 km before they realised they’d left the magazine in the toilet. They needed the magazine to help identify the truffles. So they returned like fools for the magazine before setting off again. They drove 50 km into the mountains before the road ended. Now they would have to walk and climb. It was fun and a nice stretch of the legs, this was no Duke of Edinburgh Gold stroll, this was a nice men of the East walk, they did not have any Irn Bru they had 70% proof vodka.

Looking at the piece of paper they reached spot on the map where the truffles should be. The only problem was that truffles are under the ground. And there was snow too. That did not deter them, they had their knives. So they dug through the snow and started digging for truffles,only stopping for the occasional drop of vodka. Lech’s knife has a history, he won it from Boris in a bet. So Boris was beaten by his dad, Lech’s uncle, the beating was a long one. But Boris bore it and never told his dad how he’d lost his knife.

Gregorgi had bets with other kids as to how long the beating would last, in fact Gregorgi signaled to Boris to be cheeky so the beating would continue. Boris took his queue. Finally beating over, Gregorgi collected all the money and gave it to Boris refusing any commission. So Boris bought an even better knife and in fact he bought two. He gift wrapped one and left it in his dad’s boots. Boris’ dad nearly cried for joy, all he said was you know I love you dearly. Of course dad replied Boris, and if anybody says otherwise I’ll skin them alive with my new knife. Like father like son.

So the boys hacked about for truffles, they even tried to understand what the French writing said. Then luck appeared, a wild boar came running towards them, it started rooting in the earth where the cousins had cleared the snow. Soon the boar had found various truffles, they had to wrestle the boar so it did not eat them. So they fed it bread with 70% vodka soaked into it. A drunken wild boar and 3 Eastern cousins truffle hunting with a National Geographical magazine in French plus a scribbled note from a long dead 97 year old man called Ivan. Of course this happened, this is the East, they don’t do walks in park, well can you all just shut up muttering and let me get on with the story.

The boar fell over dead, probably too much rooting, but by now they had sack full of truffles. They were hungry and it was a pity to waste a boar, so they skinned it and made a fire, they had found some shelter by an outcrop of rocks. It had been a good day trip but now the snow began to fall heavily. Of course they don’t look at the weather forecast on an App, they just go where they want when they want, they were Men of the East. They were thinking could they find more shelter, when they heard a snap and a scream of pain.

A mountain bear had been caught in a trap. The trap had caught it on the neck but had not killed it. They were going to shoot it to put it out of its misery but they remember when they rescued the people in teh old people’s home. So they fed the bear vodka soaked in bread, then together they removed the bear trap. They felt pity for the bear, so Lech took his belt off and tied it around the bear’s neck, the other two followed, 3 strong leather belts tied tight around the bear’s neck to stop the flow of blood. Then they rubbed boar fat from their dinner around the wound to seal it, then wastefully they poured a little vodka around the wound too.

They could hear a noise, they followed the noise to a cave, 3 small bear cubs were inside, this was the mother they had saved. Now what would become of the bears? Gregorgi knew what must be done, so he picked one up and put it in his rucksack, the others followed. Mother bear was unconscious now, she might not make it. Gregorgi took his mobile out and pressed the distress button. He also took out a crumbed picture of an icon from his wallet and put it on the belts. They had done all they could for her, now they must save the babies.

There was an old log below their campfire.They climbed inside and attaching their braces to the log the pushed off. This was Cool Runnings Eastern style, down the side of a mountain. Now 3 Eastern men in a log, was no gentle English story about a men in a boat. This was 3 growling bears in ruck sacks racing down a mountainside, with 3 Eastern men for company. Now the crumpled picture Gregorgi had left on the mother bear was a picture of the Black Madonna, so was she guiding the cousins down the mountainside.

Back in the cab the snow plough started immediately, the amount of time they spent tinkering with its engine was more than love. They headed home,ringing the zoo to ask dd tey want 3 bear cubs. What a stupid question. But what of mother bear, a mother alone on a mountain, bleeding with only 3 belts tightly fastened keeping her alive. Boris rung his friend Olga, he told her to save the mother bear. Olga had a helicopter you see. Olga flew though the snow and scooped up the bear in a net.

Yes mother and bear cubs all lived happily ever after. As for the dead boar, its death had saved the mother bear. The zoo called the mother bear Olga, and the baby bears were called Lech, Boris and Gregorgi. And what about the truffles, well Olga scooped them up too and as she flew to the zoo she dropped them from the sky to Lech’s garden. They were rubbish truffles not worth a penny, but the Black Madonna had saved Lech, Boris and Gregorgi, the baby bears I mean. Or so the cousins thought. A month later a French chef was visiting from Paris, he nearly fainted. The truffles weren’t worth any money. But chef did leave his 4x4 behind instead as payment for the truffles, and you know what on the dashboard an icon of the Black Madonna.   

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Lech, Boris and Gregorgi's big misadventure

Lech, Boris and Gregorgi's big  misadventure.

I'm enjoying a lazy day, but I thought the boys need an outing so later on if you all come back from wherever you are in the world then I'll put in on paper. Ok on the screen, I never use paper, except in the bathroom. My handwriting is so bad, like drunken spiders on acid as one kind friend said.

I have an idea or two, I just don't know where to point it, ideas are like loaded guns, you have to be careful. So please come back if you want to hear a story about the Polish, Russian and Ukrainian 1st cousins. But bring plenty of beer, not for me, but for them.

see you later.

 or you can go to my other site for 180 stories, I've tidied my Blogger, until later

michaelgcasey – Just some of my one million words
Contact BUT WITH A GOOD SUBJECT LINE 2015 was worst year in my ...

Monday 21 May 2018

Stories, a Diary or a Confession?

Stories, a Diary  or a Confession? (c)
Michael Casey

I'm really tired today and I needed a nap earlier, I was thinking of missing my Homework, writing a new story a day, well almost.  I have tidied up up 3 Blogger sites, but my wordpress still has 180 or so reads over there, Butcher, Baker Undertaker is the main site and the 3 others are backups.

I did decide to load up my novel in Spanish, to give Spanish readers a chance to read it, its on my wordpress in full, and yes its still my copyright, you can buy it in English on Amazon. The Polish readers loved it a year ago, 21,000 readers in 3 weeks or so, Sadly they haven't rushed to buy the original English version, Internet is Free so nobody pays the worker. A sad reality of the internet,

So I was thinking, these pieces of writing what exactly are they to you? They are stories and they do show bits from my mental diary, my memory goes back to before my sister came home from maternity hospital, so thats over 55 years now. Are they a confession too?

These stories do share jokes and memories, such as branding my brother with a red hot poker from the fire place, so he poisoned me with piss in a pop bottle in return. Normal everyday happenings. So I suppose those events are confessional. How much confessional could you stand. You don't want to know chapter and verse all the events of my life. There are much more sordid lives you can follow on reality tv, or Trump and tv news. I think the Constitutional Crisis is coming, remember you have no king in USA.

So as I share this and that with never a mention of the size of my hands, are you all amused or titillated?I hope with my stories you laugh, and maybe sigh. There are stories from my family and made up stories, I hope they amuse. What I write is just a box of chocolates, as plain and simple as that. Some events from my own experience I weave into the made up stories I write, others are just total fiction, though faction may make the best story. As all my news watching shows me Trump's America has merged everything good and bad. They used to say that the Presidency molds the Man, but with Trump he has thrown the toys from his pram. If he does finally take Kim's toys away then History will be kinder to him, though it appears nobody is standing up to him, Trump I mean.I predict though that Kim could launch one attack from his bunker, so duck and close your eyes if you see a flash in the sky.

My love of news and politics does slip out too, though I tend to keep the surreal Trump pieces in a separate stories, he is just too big to believe. Churchill who was a great writer, and spent the equivalent to 3 people's annual salary on alcohol, he said that all forms of government were bad, Democracy being the least bad. So I have to put my opinions in somewhere.

What more shall I say? I have to watch  the Press Preview on Sky now, its one of my favourite shows, though Martine on the BBC is very good too, as is the cool guy.

Ok, I'll shut up for tonight. Normal service will be resumed in the morning. I have 20,000 words and maybe 30 stories to write before I reach 100,000  words to fill Sweet 16 my 16th book. Then I'll inflict it on you. So as you go to bed tonight, hold your teddy bear tight and think how good your life is, and if you don't say your prayers you'll have to read my books in hell for all eternity.

if you were wondering

if you were wondering  where all the stories went, well they are still over on


michaelgcasey – Just some of my one million words

El carnicero, el panadero y Undertaker © Por Michael Casey


Michael Casey (c)

El carnicero, el panadero y Undertaker © Por Michael Casey


El carnicero, el panadero y Undertaker ©     Por     Michael Casey


 Venezuela so hello to Venezuela you have been reading me recently is it because i ...