Tuesday, 24 September 2024

I deleted a few things so my total has dropped. 4979

 I deleted a few things so my total has dropped

4979 is the revised total

21 and then 5000

years and years of boring you all

as some of you steal all the ideas

but you should by now be an excellent teacher

IF you are using my rubbish

Tinnitus is trying to kill me

I got up at 7am after hours of noise torture

fed Totoro and let her out, had breakfast 

said a few Rosaries and went back to bed

no I'm far from holy, it's one method to keep me sane


and if you tell anybody I pray, I'll punch you

don't want to be called a Holy Joe, ever

Music on constantly too

and had to slap on pain killer for my left shoulder

i have 4 lotions and potions ready, as well as bucket loads of paracetamol

and it's never enough

but at least I'm. avoiding Dialysis

YES I'm such a catch


I did decide to write Childen's books next

How and when they appear, we'll find out together


they will be surreal

the roar of a furnace is in my head, this is Tinnitus my daily bread

Eric Clapton 461 Ocean Boulevard is playing

I can remember it coming out in 1974 was it

then in 2002 or there abouts  I met him at CPNEC Birmingham

I may give a speech for Trump's GOP

250,000 USD Melania was supposed to have got for one

I'll give 2 for the same price, 20 mins work is it

GOP Maga is a Cash Cow, when the Maga people finally wake up

they'll be a blizzard of law suits

I only have one suit, my Birthday Suit, covered in quadruple heart bypass scars

i'll stop now, have to lecture my cat, no charge

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Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far https://www.amazon.co.uk/Micha...