Sunday, 8 September 2024

yes I know I look silly, that's what makes me so attractive

yes I know I look silly, that's what makes me so attractive 

I never wore a hat in my life

a hood on my winter coat

and sometimes a pulldown on your head winter hat

I'm trying to think of the word for them


THIS year after a severe haircut I decide to try a hat

I tried a fat cap kind of thing but it was not me

so I thought beret like I had in Lourdes in 1990 maybe

you've seen the photo

Only my head is big, so i could not het one to fit

or the quality was bad

the real deal is expensive nowadays

and one I had before my big daughter has it somewhere

so I tried a military style beret but that was not right for my head size

finally I found a Polish French beret and that' s the navy one in photos


so that's what I wear

only i discovered somebody's big dog does not like hats

so it came towards me in the street

you can also get  Scottish Highlander Tam Hats too

which are worth a go as well

Now as I got up because the Tinnitus was so bad

I was up 2 hours earlier before

this is my 2nd up early

but now sleep is knocking me over

so I'l go back to bed

and I'll slap on some pain killer too

as my left shoulder has just kicked in


the tinnitus is like a fire alarm in my head


put your alarm in a saucepan and let it start

10 mins or 15 before you scream and leave your house


varying degrees of loudness and Pain, yet pain

so if you think I bitch for no reason

try this on TicTok

how long can you sit under a fie alarm

Its not fun

so say a prayer for this stupid looking fool

I'd rather attract smiles in the street

than  WE are too posh and entitled to talk to you

now I'm. going to stop before I scream in pain

Left shouder arthritis, or maybe a piece of a needle still in me

as that what it feels like, when. I move it.

Discuss 3000 words by Monday

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Pres Z would step down for Peace

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far