My Day Out
to the QE so they could take the pee from me, literally
and blood as well
with BP and weight on a scales
clothed I was 119.7kilos today
my pulse is high 40s
because I take meds to lower the pressure
to help save my kidneys
The girls are GREAT, tell the MARKET RESEARCH PEOPLE from on High
Its probably a lady in high heels and lots of lipstick
not somebody in Flat shoes and a Uniform
My tip and I did work in a Market Research company for 21 years
Yes really, part of ACNielsen as we were so good they bought us
instead of wasting 1000 on all the Market Research
take that 1000 and buy a very big Chinese takeaway for the crew
anyway I looked like a tramp with my hair everywhere
I didn't even wear my Picasso hat, to help make me ridiculous
But next time I turn up I'll wear it
I told the Kidney Dr I'd lost 10 kilos from my peak
If you have Tinnitus and cower in bed trying to get sleep
You miss meals, so an. unintended consequence is
You EAT less and and LOSE weight
Don't use chemicals, which will give you cancer or worse
Common sense
Just shut your mouth and stay in bed with Tinnitus screaming
A boyfriend or an girlfriend might be better fun
and lose weight
By the way these cigarette substitutes are Dangerous
any rubbish going into your lungs will destroy them
Common sense
It's will power
Speaking of which our Muslim communities are fasting
So spare a though for them
I'm lucky because IF I were a Muslim I could skip the fast
because I have too many diseases
I was speaking to my taxi drivers today
One was a plumber but did not like it
He really wants to be a Driving Instructor
So good luck to him with that
Driving is an art
I never leant
I had two tests
after I did a 3 point turn with the hand break on
I had a school kid deliberately jump in front of the car
on my first test
On my 2nd test, no such thing happened
I had TWO examiners in the car
One checking on the other
So after that, i gave up trying to be a driver
And saved my money for my house
A car costs a lot of money, and once you drive somewhere
what do you do, you spend money
NOW the 2nd driver on the way home
his car was immaculate
and he dressed very well
He had great pride in his vehicle
He was smart too, as was the 1st driver
NEVER assume anybody is not intelligent
Don't judge a book by its cover, or occupation
We all have different gifts, and like the mosaics
in Mosques all the different pieces make the greater picture
Life is like that too, the good and the bad are all part of us
Its the totality of the experience that makes us what we are
And if you land on that desert island its the bad experiences
from before which enable you to survive
Peeling Avocados may be what a girl in high heels and lipstick
can do, but can she take blood, or clean a toilet like Rea
And yes I've cleaned toilets in my hotel days 20 years ago
So that was my day out
I did have a meal deal, its 5,50 for a drink, a bag of crisps and a sandwich
plus I got a lottery Which I hope will Set me for Life
or rather I get something I can give to my student daughters
my dream is a house and car plus a large donation to their bank each
then I can die happy knowing I've set them on the path
I'd also like nice family house back here in Birmingham
that'll never happen, probably
But God is Good and full of surprises
Its dark outside now, so Muslims if you are reading this
You may break Fast now
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