For some reason France has become a big reader recently
ANd the Korean Translations are being downloaded a lot too
So thanks to you all
Je bavard bien la Francaise
its 50 years since the exam
so Sprinkle Lourdes water in the air and maybe it'll reach Moscow
You can use an old perfume bottle to create a Lourdes mist
I firmly believe in Fatima, and Russia will be converted
Having suffered Tinnitus for years now
a Rosary has been my own salvation
Yes I'm far from Holy, but the prayers said
are like perfume that cannot be wasted
So if I've said many, in my Tinnitus time
then my hope is that they all add up
till a Tsunami of prayer is formed
not just my individual prayers , but everybody's
from All believers of all faiths
For Peace, and an end to war
and now at the time when some may despair
I stay Don't give up, don't give in
Fight the good fight, and the in the end
Daylight and daybreak will crack open Russia
and the Evil Empire
Pray with confidence
Evil had no foundations but greed
and once confronted it shrivels up
and dies
du courage as the French say
at Lourdes, Fatima and all the other places where Mary has visited
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