Sunday, 2 March 2025

For the Press Corps Sanity in USA

 You must have heard about

10. points where was that line come from

Bible maybe, where he started and went about preaching

am I right or are you all unwashed Heathens 

Unwashed Heathens

Why did you not wear a suit

20. points where did that line come from

Where are you now

30. points for Hiding in Vermont on a Skiing holiday

and where are you little man

Trying to save my country from being slaughtered

and having its resources stolen from an aggressor

40.points who is the aggressor  

Do I have to give you a hint

The one that invaded

Do you need another clue

The one who has an Evil Empire


For God's Sake

And on it goes


Does a doctor refuse to road traffic victim 

If they are not wearing a tie?


do you remember

what did Trump do then?

Who came to the defence of USA

NATO came , Article 5 was activated

Now, to Hell with them is all he can say

as he walks on the fairway 

You keep the enemy far away

that's why you help defend across the sea

or is he too busy with his holes in one


Churchill was all alone

now Europe is too

I believe the word of the KGB

where is the sanity

We've seen all his picks, half wits

and %%%% lickers

Is he deliberately weakening the USA

or just wants to make sure we won't be impeached

or have a Cabinet sack him

So guys in the bunker

Just read my stuff

171 countries have so far

even Kyrgyzstan today and 12 different languages downloaded today

no doubt because it is free to read

or you can all pay me by going to Amazon and buy my original English

So there you all go, somebody is reading me big time in USA

it might be all the Press Corps cowering in the toilets

waiting for Trump to pass

I recommend a plumber...

oh I forgot who is your neighbour JD

will he have a skiing holiday or will he be dodging bombs in his garden

rely on your mother and your friends with rosaries, only they are prepared to defend you

May Peace be Upon all the world

Saturday, 1 March 2025

In my mind I have tears

Wednesday, 6 September 2023

message to self maybe

 message to self maybe from 9 years ago

before my quadruple heart bypass 

which has kept me here

enough though i have much other pain

thank you Singapore? for rediscovering it for me

Monday, 8 September 2014

In my mind I have tears

SEPTEMBER 8TH, 2014 11:31

In my mind I have tears

In my mind I have tears ©
By Michael Casey

In my mind I have tears
In my eyes I have fears suppressed for years
In my breath I have pain was everything in vain
In my mouth I can taste the regret for not reaching
In my nose is the perfume of failure
In my hair is the grey of not getting there
In my gait   is the weight of things carried too far
In my stride my steps are small no more strength to carry all
In my laugh is the experience of rejection
But in my heart is Hope and Faith beyond reason 
I was lying in bed and the title sprang to mind, it has not come out as planned or hoped, but the last line really says it all, we can have had a lot of life which didn’t go as planned or hoped, but so long as you have the Hope and Faith in your heart  then you carry on, and prove everybody wrong.

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The dark before the Dawn

The dark before the Dawn 01/03/2025  ~  michaelgcasey   ~  Edit "The dark before the Dawn" Fear not, Trump loves gold, but it is f...

France big reader and Korean downloads

 For some reason France has become a big reader recently

ANd the Korean Translations are being downloaded a lot too

So thanks to you all

Je bavard bien la Francaise 

its 50 years since the exam

so Sprinkle Lourdes water in the air and maybe it'll reach Moscow

You can use an old perfume bottle to create a Lourdes mist

I firmly believe in Fatima, and Russia will be converted

Having suffered Tinnitus for years now

a Rosary has been my own salvation

Yes I'm far from Holy,  but the prayers said

are like perfume that cannot be wasted

So if I've said many, in my Tinnitus time

then my hope is that they all add up

till a Tsunami of prayer is formed

not just my individual prayers , but everybody's 

from All believers of all faiths

For Peace, and an end to war

and now at the time when some may despair

I stay Don't give up, don't give in

Fight the good fight, and the in the end

Daylight and daybreak will crack open Russia

and the Evil Empire

Pray with confidence

Evil had no foundations but greed

and once confronted it shrivels up

and dies

du courage as the French say

at Lourdes, Fatima and all the other places where Mary has visited

The dark before the Dawn

The dark before the Dawn

Fear not, Trump loves gold, but it is for Fools

Valour wins in the end

Do not be afraid

The spirits will rise up

and Evil will be vanquished

For Russia will be converted

and very fast

Do not be afraid

mary in fatima

For the Press Corps Sanity in USA

 You must have heard about 10. points where was that line come from Bible maybe, where he started and went about preaching am I right or are...