Wednesday, 10 January 2024

Tinnitus Torture

Tinnitus Torture

the noise in my head is terrible

and the cold in the atmosphere triggers it

Barometric pressure

I just Googled, eat bananas maybe

but 3 to 4 months before any good can happen

so I'll try that

as my Tinnitus is beyond horrible

I will go back to bed soon

I live a strange life

keep even stanger hours

as the noise keeps me awake

so I get up and have a hot drink

then when  dead on my feet I try to sleep again

BUT when I wake again

the NOISE can last 3 hours before it calms down

NEEM continues to be great for my arthritis

I have to watch the pain killers

as my Kidney function is rubbish

I'm trying to avoid dialysis in the future

but at least I've had 9 years extra time now

after my quadruple heart bypass, slated as a triple 

but 6 months later I was told 4 grafts on a check up

hence quadruple

13th jan 2015

so Still Alive 2015

was that years book

millions of words

and none of you pay me

just idiots spamming me with "dating" rubbish

and trying to hack me

Have you got nothing better to do?

I'll tell your mother and she'll

slap your bare backside

Even if you are 20+

what else

watch the SUN Bros

and watch the Italian comedy about a Horoscope Dating Game

Very funny, and watch in Italian with subtitles

DUBBING ruins tv

this is me in need of a shave, I did have one , and our new cleaner

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5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy

5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy I'm checking to see what you are all reading and you have m...