Monday, 29 January 2024

A little bit of Peace as you read a piece of me

A little bit of Peace as you read a piece of me

well today my Tinnitus continues to try and kill me

full on for hours, like being in a furnace,  or burning in Hell

while I watched TV and had food, my Tinnitus calmed

But but left shoulder pain kicked off, my daily merry go round of pain

However, you have been downloading The Arabic and for Neighbours Translations

even an ipod being used to read me

I'd just listen to music, but you decided to download/read me, maybe

as my hernia at the top of my chest hurts too, or do I sound like a big baby

YOU try it for a day, I dare you, walk in my shoes, and high heels and evening dress

except in Florida, when will Americans just GROW UP, Panto is King in UK

Meanwhile my smaller daughter continues her Anthropology and French

back in the swing of things second year at University, and. yes I miss her already

I missed my big daughters Graduation, as my pain attacks and NOISE in my head

is so random, so my brother and sister went in my place

Bio-Chemistry was that one

So it makes me happy seeing you all read me, I will write more full stories eventually

These are just Chats, not story stories,as I need a straight hour, not wearing a dress, a joke for Florida

so I can think and put it all. down

Sincerely I thank Jeff Bezos  for Music Unlimited as I listen constantly, I have it in my bed too

to soothe the savage beast, the Tinnitus in my head/bed and everywhere I am too

though perhaps if I did dress in a dress it might relax the noise in my head, but not in Florida

Perhaps I should go to Lourdes and then my Tinnitus might go away

I have taken to wearing a beret recently, the one from Amazon. 

was no good, but they sorted it

Then I found one that fitted from a shop here in Birmingham

you can Google for yourself

My Tinnitus is inflamed by COLD, so both Wind and Cold, affect me badly

I'm not making this up, do you think I want to be up at 4am talking to the cat

I'd rather be asleep, dreaming of wearing a dress and high heels, but not in Florida

SEE I've even taught you about a running gag, that's spikes and grass, or maybe not in Florida

Maybe as you read me you dream of me, as you can see the photos attached

I'd love to have his 4 sons, Mathew Mark Luke and John

but then you think again, he'd never move to Florida

You'd all have to move to Birmingham for my Cobwebs of Love

and no, not a metaphor

Cobwebs of Love is one of my 4600+ pieces you can seek and find it

but don't trip over that evening dress and high heels at the bottom of my bed

and they are not from Florida, and they are not mine

and that red beret  at the bottom. of my duvet

am I going to be invaded


to a woman,  always

my Lawrence of Arabia look

it's hard to shave while riding a camel

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5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy

5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy I'm checking to see what you are all reading and you have m...