Saturday, 20 February 2021


 Texas Snow

Global Warming means hot weather

BUT you also get weird weather

Like down in Texas

So WAKE UP Politicians

4 years wasted

Yes you can flog the Donkey or is it Elephant

But in the end after a Shares Boom

You get the bang, all the animals die

This is so simple that a Simpleton could understand it

Yet for 4 years USA was in Official Denial

Then the Press was attacked

So everything has been Poisoned

Covid will be beaten eventually

But When Common Sense is ignored

It takes longer

And now with Texas Snow, the Holiday is OVER

USA and Mankind must act immediately

Or they'll be no DOW

Just Devil's Own Weather

So grow up Politicians, act now

It is a National Security Risk, as was you know who

If you don't fix Climate Change

There will be no Texas, no USA, and No world

How about a 10% redirection  of Military Spending

Forget a Wall, as Weather goes through Everything

Kick start Save the USA today.

With Green Invention

If you don't start today, there will be NO tomorrow

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Finally got up, been hiding from Tinnitus

Finally got up, been hiding in bed from Tinnitus the sound of embers burning in my head, after a fire has been extinguished it's so horr...