Wednesday, 3 February 2021

2 up 2 down

 2 up 2 down

could be a house, or 2 sleep days and 2 horror nights

Tinnitus revenge, after 2 good nights, just had 2 bad nights

As for you, Fiji to Taiwan, Korea and UAE and Peru too

are reading my rubbish, have you got nothing better to do

Though some of you just send me junk emails from very far away

Don't bother, I may seem polite, but I can out cus

a sailor, I am a Blacksmith's / Steelworker's son

So don't waste my time, junk email is a crime

as is rubbish rhymes

I have to go watch my comedy CSI Kdrama

the replacement Toxicology girl has a crush on the coroner

ok enough for now, if my head stops ringing I write something new

Though there are 3000+ pieces on this site

And if you read all of them I'll marry you, sorry females only

I don't know the gender facts of my readers

I just know you are all widespread, like my backside really

which may just be the quality of my writing

you are all so ....

here's  a random page from the climax of

The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker

tracking the kidnapper

 from The Butcher The Baker and the Undertaker


          Percy did not run ,  he stalked his prey ,  he walked slowly and


listened , his whip at the ready .  He took another step ahead , his foot


stood  on  something  ,  he  bent down to pick it  up  .  It  was  one  of


Jaswinder's  bangles ,  Percy put it in his pocket ,  he was on the  right


track . Up ahead was a clearing , a Midsummer's Nights Dream had once been


played there years before , but this was more like a nightmare .


        Martin  dragged Jaswinder after him ,  slapping her  to  make  her


quiet ,  he put his hand over her mouth to quieten her , perhaps he should


kill her ,  that'd put them of his trail . No she wriggled too much , he'd


just  get rid of the wog bitch ,  he'd tie her to a tree in  the  clearing


ahead , they'd soon find her .


 "There he is , in the clearing ! " screamed Andy .


"Yes its him , " echoed Bill .


From another direction came Patrick and Amjit ,  they had him surrounded ,


Sid came lumbering up from the rear . Jaswinder could see her father .


"Daddy , daddy ! " she screamed .


Martin spun around dropping his scarf , the one he was going to tie her up


with .


"I've got a knife I'll kill her ! " he yelled more in fear of his own life


that a threat on Jaswinder's .


He  fumbled in his pocket for the knife ,  he held it on her  cheek  right


next to the eye .  It was stalemate , Martin was surrounded by Patrick and


Amjit on the left with Andy and Bill on the right .And the rain came down,


and  the rain came down ,  more help was on its way ,  the sound of  taxis


their horns sounding could be heard .  The cavalry was on its way , but it


was no use ,  Martin had a knife against her cheek ,  one slip and her eye


would  be  out .  Sid came lumbering and screaming out the  forest  ,  his


cleaver held high .


"NO !  SID NO ! " screamed Patrick  jumping in the way then grappling with


Sid .


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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far