Friday, 7 February 2020

Just be Yourself, Gay, Straight or Any Which Way

Just be Yourself, Gay, Straight or Any Which Way

Just be Yourself, Gay, Straight or Any Which Way (c)
By Michael Casey
As you all know I am a Gay Dad, which means you know about FASHION, as far as sex goes I ONLY ever look East, at women only. I do have Shanghai wife as you all know, presently stuck in Shanghai due to the virus situation, while I hold the fort back here. So Courage My China, all will be well, just Pray Hope and Don’t Worry. As for me, I’m not nice enough to be Gay, as a rule Gay people are nice. So I knew Shep Smith was Gay for years, he really Is a great News Guy, and today here on Tv a Brit came out, but he is so nice, he must be gay.
I know the Gay community may want to punch me for speaking like that, but my point is, as a rule Gay people are nice. The problem is in some Societies, Gay people are treated badly, or even murdered, which is WRONG, those Societies need to Grow Up, and be Tolerant. As a rule here in UK, we live and let live. Sure it’s not a Gay Paradise, but we are a great place for anybody to live. So if you are Gay, Straight, or Any Which Way, come here if the BASTARDS in your own country won’t leave you alone. I could go down my usual Comedy Rabbithole now but I won’t not today anyway.
I’ll just finish with  a film Tip, watch  Stardust the Fantasy film, where De Nero is a Pirate Captain, who is secretly Gay, but has a hard man front. When his secret is revealed, the hard man crew, stand by him, and say we always knew you were a PUFF, or other such words, but they still and will always love him their Captain. So let’s all love our Captains, and spit on the ignorant  “cavemen”, Michael Casey never nice enough to be really gay, Just a Gay Dad, fashion expert.

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