Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Tinnitus and Phlegm will be next story on Wednesday or Thursday

Tinnitus and Phlegm

 will be next story on Wednesday or Thursday

I had a bad night of Tinnitus last night, 5am before I could sleep

and Phlegm too.

However I thought that Tinnitus and Phlegm was a great title for  a Story

No,  it will not be about Tinnitus and Phlegm, it will be about Tinnitus and Phlegm

Tinnitus and Phlegm Solicitors

as I just typed that I'm thinking it could be set in Dickens time

though as ever I never know which way it will go till I start it

it's more fun for me that way

these are NOT mass produced stories even though there are 2000+ of them

What else can I say, yes Stella Artois is great, I've had a can a day for 4 days

Nothing compared to all you drinkers out there

And maybe Christmas before I have another drink

12 pints a year, so effectively T total

all our lodgers were alcoholics, so it puts you off for life

We even had a struck off alcoholic female Dr as a lodger

I can remember my dad carrying down the Piss Pot to

empty it out in the outside toilet

Such a luxurious upbringing

In the end it's inevitable I'd end up a Writer 

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