Saturday, 13 July 2019

Saturday 13th July 2019

Saturday 13th July 2019

well we got our new kettle, no doubt I'll pose with it later and add it to the mass of stupid photos that accompany my talks on this site.

just chilling today, Tinnitus is still a pain, preventing sleep. The prospective son in law was around again yesterday, though as he is so young it would be 5 years at least before that happened, assuming he and my daughter don't fall out by then.
I'll leave that there while I go brush my teeth, that's a hidden joke too.

We had a Polish priest at Mass today, up in Scotland via the Internet

Somebody in Ukraine is reading Still Alive 2015 the Polish translation today, so hello to them

Maybe I should write a new Lech, Boris and Gregorgi story, those guys should have a cartoon series made about them, that's another dream. The reality is I'll die unknown and unnoticed. Only  these sites in cyberspace being a memorial. But you can all change that by telling all your friends on FaceBook and WhatsAp and all other versions the world over.

Then we can annoy even more people with my humour. So spread the word.

you can click and auto translate on any of the 2400 pieces here

or click and download/read one of these Translations

persianBBUPORTUGUESE BBU2019China BBU-convertedChina BBU-convertedВ поисках индийской принцессыWydanie polskie Still Alive 2015win Wiersze dla wszystkichThe Polish TranslationsThe Polish Translationspolish Guardian AngelPolish Edition of Still Alive 2015Michael Casey The Polish Translations페이지 1 Quick Stories KOREAN아직도 살아있는 2015ページ1 Quick Stories in Japaneseインドのプリンセスを検索するにはインドのプリンセスを検索するには – CopyЭТО МОЙ ЛИФТ ADСтраница 1shoplife spanishJapanese elevator AdvertBBU GermanBBU French50 Spanish Examples50 Spanish Examplesbbumar2008-en-zh-cn-1BBUMar2008.en.zh-CN (1)BBU in HebrewBBU in Arabic300 وmy new bedBBU Russian Translation microsoft wordBBU in KOREANBBU GermanBBU French50 Spanish ExamplesKOREAN TRANSLATION Still Alive 2015The Polish TranslationsSpanish BBU아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015

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A day of Infamy

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far