Monday, 29 July 2019

Spinning the Wheel

Spinning the Wheel ©
Michael Casey

I’m having a lazy day, well apart from going down the hill to the shops for toothpaste in our local Pound Shop. Save a penny and it soon becomes a pound. Smoke too much and it soon becomes throat cancer. The girl in the Pound Shop sounded like an old woman who’d been smoking for years, I advised her to save her money in a tin and when she had 500 to go on a holiday, it’d be better for her. I hope she follows the advice, I could hear her smoking habit as opposed to smelling the smoke.

And what has this got to do with anything? Well life is like spinning the wheel at a fair, depending on where it lands you get a prize or nothing at all, a rubbish prize or if you are really lucky a really nice one. My brother used to say life was a game of roulette, and in a way he was right, though that’s not totally true either. You can stack the deck or “cheat”. You can stack the deck by putting a pound in an old coffee under the sink, so you are not tempted to spend it. Then when it’s time to go down the pub for a birthday or the monthly office thing you have extra funds to spend. It’s in the coffee jar under the sink. You are the Wise Virgin whereas your mates are the Foolish Virgins.

And yes I know many Foolish Virgins, I grew up with them in the 1970s and 1980s. Yes it’s fun getting drunk and other stuff I’ll leave to your imagination, but personally I like my comfort. Also because I’ve never been much of a drinker, I’d go home and leave the lads carry on. I had my spending money in cash so when it was gone, spent on beer for others, then I’d go home. Very self-disciplined  I suppose, or boring, but I’d hear all the stories on the Monday morning.

Life is choices, do you snog that girl and more, or do you go home and  study for your AAT or your electricians qualification. If you are lucky, the spark between you and the girl will endure. Or she’ll test your electrical knowledge as  you examine her fuse box or trip switches. Naked Study is a great idea, writers of course have help sharpening their pencils, and what they do with the shavings is a big mystery.
You can make up your own metaphors for this and that and of course the other, as you Naked Study with the girl or boy of your choice. Once you  are qualified in many many ways, then you can afford to go out more and buy more stuff for the flat. However if the study process has been fun, then you won’t stop till you are both Phds and fully fledged indoor Nudists.

Professor John Thomas will today lecture on Electronics, and afterwards he’ll take a few questions. How did you master such a difficult subject? I studied in the nude he replies. Everybody laughs, then there is the sound of footsteps. It’s Professor Mary-Beth Phd in Applied Nuclear Science. We just got naked and applied ourselves to the subject in hand. He was only rewarded when he got things right, and she was only rewarded when she got things right. More laughter.
Then they hold up their latest book, a joint effort. Study made simple, so simple even a nudist knows everything. And on the rear cover a photo of their rears.

So I spun the wheel and this story came out, I didn’t even have this idea in my head. Life is not a straight path, and already you ae making up your own jokes about that. Life is strange, life is full of fear and hopes and prayers. The Wheel of Life spins, and it’s up to you how you choose to react to it. Think before you act, and be happy with the results whatever they are. Failing that study more, there is nothing worse than a naked mind, apart from a naked man’s hairy behind.

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