Thursday, 9 February 2017

I May Be

I May Be

I May Be ©
By Michael Casey
I may be old, fat and white
I may be black or any other colour
I may be very sexy and full of curves
I may even be a woman
I may be a man with a great jaw line
I may have a body women and men purr for
I may be Oriental and men lust after me
I may be Western and Cowboys want me
I may be tall, or too tall for doorways
I may have sexy curly red hair
I may have distinguished silver hair
I may have designer stubble
I may have a title
I may have lots of rich and powerful friends
I may be a sad loner with just a car for company
I may be educated I even may have written 12 books
I may be barely able to read
I may be quite spoken
I may scream and shout like a whore
There are many many may bees
I may even live in a wheel chair
I may be unable to leave my home
Everything and Anything May or May not  Happen
But one thing is certain, when you close your eyes we are all equal
You cannot judge in the dark
You cannot hate if you cannot hear
You cannot be uncomfortable if you cannot smell
You are isolated if all you have is fear and ignorance
If you take off the shades of stupidity
Then you can see clearly
A man in a chair is not an abstract thing
He could be you he could be me
A girl with a speech impediment is not stupid
Take time to talk to her to know her
Being a different colour is not a crime
Being fat is not a mortal sin
Supporting the Sharks or the Jets does not make you enemies
Ginger people are not the spawn of the Devil
Writers should not all be burnt at the Stake
Maybe Political Journalists
Sorry Politicians that line is removed
We are all people, and when we turn out the lights and make whoopee
We are one, then we forget all our differences
So next time you see all kinds of everything, black and white, young and old, fat or thin, healthy or sick, rich or poor. Why judge them harshly?
Because you should see them through others’ eyes, what if in the night God came and poured your soul into a beggar’s body. What if in the night you were suddenly white or black or Oriental. What if in the night you became a woman with a woman’s curves, would you respect women more. What if you became a man and had to shave and you always had sweaty feet.
Its only when you look through others eyes and touch with other’s souls that you become aware of how different we are. And yet we are all so very much the same. That guy in the chair may have been a sprinter once, don’t talk to the chair talk to the man within. That woman may be a PhD, don’t assume she’s a housewife just because she looks like a Fox News reporter with a very very bright dress.  What I’m saying is give everybody a chance a break, one day you’ll need a hand up don’t be arrogant in your health and wealth and beauty, or intelligence or humour.
You will always be surprised by what you learn by leaving your mind open, and leaving any prejudices behind, even be nice to Fox News reporters. Shepherd Smith is nice though, I hope he’ll appreciate it when he guests in my next novel, he turns down the chance of a Pulitzer Prize, in order to save 10,000s of bottles of vintage whisky.  
Though we are different we are the same, it’s always the spirit that matters, as I hope Shepherd Smith will agree.

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