Saturday, 4 February 2017

The Greatest Story Ever Told

The Greatest Story Ever Told ©

By Michael Casey

I did not intend writing this now, right now 3am on 4th Feb2017, but time and tide waits for no man, and if you cannot sleep you may as well get up and write a story.  This one will be 960 or so, Google Blogger keeps a tally, I do not. I had been thinking how to celebrate my 1,000,000th word, the official kind of one, or rather 1,000,000th one. I could get all pretentious, but as you know I abhor pretention.

You think shall I do a bit of comedy, or pathos, or my usual mix of all kinds of everything. I did have an idea to take this piece this way or that way, but now as I’ve got up at 3am I’m deciding to go another way entirely. Yesterday was a strange day as I had a lot of pain and could not sleep, then when I got up I got an unexpected email from the witch, which is the pet name I have for the wife, though she calls me Panzi which I thought was fat fat  boy, but in fact means PIG, my bilingual daughters finally told me. 

Anyway the witch summoned me to attend a viewing on a house that popped up last night on , it was my turn to take first look and if I liked it then all the family would attend. Simple, if you’ve had a good night’s sleep, but if you have not and altogether it’s a 3mile round trip up hill in the cold. Then that is different. I could tell before I entered the house that it would not suit us, and I was proved right, I did console the owner by telling him that it would sell in a week. Our area is hot at the moment and they do sell that quickly.

I had a rest when I got home and wrote Twitter Me I want to be Famous and I was pleased with the result.  How it normally works is that I write something and then I read it back aloud to the girls asking them their opinion. They always say they are being tortured and will ring the Hague and ask them to try me for war crimes to their ears. Or they just lie and say another fantastic piece of Literature dad, one day we will inherit your money, the sooner the better too.

The normal family banter, I hope. I then post my piece to Wordpress and Blogger before doing my security. I was in a computer room nearly 40 years ago so I know about backups, believe me I do. DSC it was called then. Later on I can see who in the world is reading my stuff, I had India today, I think it may have been Kumar who sent me an email today, which I bounced back with my Elevator Ad. I sometimes add my photo in the orange polo where I look like a drunk. 

Unfortunately my inline photo thing does not work anymore, but at least they get an Elevator Ad as a punishment for sending me a SEO advert of theirs.
My words go far and wide maybe 20 countries scattered everywhere, which proves to me that my English via Comedy idea would work. So Angel investors do get in touch. I could teach Chinese billionairesses English too, I was an Esol teacher in the past, and I did teach my wife English.

But back to the writing every story is a fresh page, a fresh start, I can try this or I can try that. Satire or my version of in as in the Twitter me story is very easy. I prefer more thoughtful stuff, that is thoughtful for me. Ok I’m a pig but I wear lipstick, my wife does call me Panzi after all.

You can come up with words that are so really really touching, such as in The Dead and The Living, or in Let My Tears be my Words. Or the true story Padre Pio and Me, then some may say I’m a conduit, I can barely spell the word, but it’s too easy to say I’m not the writer, it’s a Gift. 20 years of listening to BBC Radio4 speech radio and then writing for 30 years, so 50 years in total, this what a Gift is.

I suppose the greatest Gift we all get is our parents, the Love they pour into us, my mother has not stopped pouring, she’s in charge of the tea in Heaven, and dad has found a hot spot where he can warm himself, as he was in a steel works for 40 years. He could never end up in Hell, as it would have felt cold for him, besides Charity was running through him, and  as your know Faith, Hope is always followed by Charity.

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