Sunday, 12 February 2017

Self-Discovery, Public Discovery

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Self-Discovery, Public Discovery

Self-Discovery, Public Discovery ©
By Michael Casey

We are born virgins, we are a blank page, we are pure and innocent, then we are changed by our parents and family, by school, by events good and bad, by work and those we gather with. Our Faith or lack of it is an influence on our lives too, personally I think a Faith is a good thing to have as it’s like a life raft that’ll come in handy and save us when we least expect adversity.

A Faith where you beat others about the head with is in my opinion a bad thing, and it and those who espouse it are to be avoided. One of those such faiths are those people who knock on your door and you pretend to be dead and hold your breath till they past like the shadow of death over your street. Charity collectors who call around in the dark of the night are just as bad in my opinion.

We all are free to be who we are and we accept others for who they are, we are a happy bunch. Live and Let Live is a great way to be. Your friend Steve may come out as Gay, and you just smile, you’ve all known for years, nobody could be that kind and know so much about Women’s Fashion without being Gay, if you forgive the stereotype, but stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason. Does it make any difference Steve ask the gang very self-conscientiously.  

We all form a line and look him in the face, yes his eyes really are such a nice shade of blue we all intone. Steve shifts from side to side, is he going to be expelled from the gang now he has come out. You daft brush says Angie, being gay is as unimportant to us as the colour of your eyes, or the colour of your underpants.

For me I feel the same way, Love is Love, I’d rather be in bed with an Oriental woman, but if a man wants another man then that’s ok by me. Our local vicar is gay and lives just up the road. Over the road we have gay couples, and at the bottom of our garden we have a French/Spanish gay couple. So you see it’s all very very ordinary, I just don’t want to be bored by all the coming outs. So long as they buy me a pint of Stella Artois then all is well.

Lesbians are a different subject, I can understand why they don’t wasn’t to be in bed with a smelly, unwashed hairy animal, and I don’t mean the family dog either. What is sad is when you get all the over the top self-expression, I am a victim because I am Gay. We’ve all seen Little Britain, I think they lance that boil rather well. My only remark would be perhaps we are nicer in Birmingham as we are all kinds of everything.

Now I was going to talk about Writers being Discovered but my intro just grew, so I’ll just be quick. My theme was going to be how does a writer get his break, should I go to an open mike event in a Gay bar and read a few stories, or hope that X Factor for writers is on the tv soon. It appears that Gay people do have more zest for life, I think the real reason for that is that they have 2 incomes and no children, so they can have more of everything.

Perhaps I should network with Gay people who always have large amounts of friends, and maybe one of them knows a radio or media person. Now that I have passed 1,000,000 WORDS is that more impressive, size matters I am told, or does this mean the size of my adjectives, or my font size.

I did get loads of good feedback when I was on FB but I am no longer on any social media, I just attract the wrong sort. Or maybe I am the wrong sort and it is all my own fault, I could almost scream, but I might wake up Totoro our cat, see the lack of freedoms you have when you are married with 2 girls and a female cat, and a Shanghai wife with a very large meat cleaver who does not want to be disturbed.

William Shakespeare did not have any of these problems it was all wine women and song, in his plays and in his life, I saw it all on tv in Shakespeare in Love, which was a documentary wasn’t it? Would Will have got a spot on late night radio to read out his micro stories, or would they just have pranks of Falstaff farting down the phone at people.

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