Tuesday 2 February 2021

My Standard Reply


so this indicates you are young and American and SALES.

I am right so far?




If you have done Research and are not just a random salesgirl, in both senses of the words, then you'll know

I have a ton of stuff. 33 years Writing, with 20 years of EARS, before that. No, I'm not 100, though on pain days

I look like Death Warmed Up. Yes, I've really had a Quadruple Heart Bypass now just over 6 years ago.

 With the bonus of a "breast" now poking through my bypass scar, it's a hernia, 1% of bypass patients get them

So, I'm truly blessed, with Arthur my Arthritis for company. Not to mention Kidneys that should be cooked with 

beans and lentils, whatever lentils are. Topped off with a side order of 3 years of Tinnitus.

Tinnitus is not a Roman slave by the way. So, I have a sea shore in my head 24/7 and it gets louder at night

This means I have Taylor Swift, Mylie Cyrus, Will Young and even a whole host of Soft Rock in my bed

every night, I'm SOOOO promiscuous . Their singing distracts me from Tinnitus, who is a noisy bugger, not literally.

Bet you wish you didn't bother sending me a circular, though emails are linear.


If you find me an Angel Investor

This is what could be done

Use my words to help teach English as a 2nd language, so 1/2 or USA for starters.

Because my Stories are Funny, and if you have done your research, 80 Countries read my rubbish

And on some days my book The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker 

is read in TEN languages on the same day

So, my Words work everywhere, unlike Wordsworth, who is dead

Enough Said

It would be a Partnership, and I'd take my share

I have NO money, I do have two teenage daughters, so obviously I have no money

And one statistic, the average survival rate after Quadruple Heart Bypass, is 11 years

So, if I'm average, maybe 5 more years

Though as you read this, I hope you think he's far from average, a real SOB, but far from average

So, there you go, as Jon the Hippy used to say, if you reply I'll tell you who he is.

SO, in conclusion, and So is one of my favourite words, as well as a Peter Gabrial album

If you can find an Angel Investor, and not just a jester, though the Jester was a gay bar in Birmingham

Straight or Gay or Any which way, I'm happy with anybody, so long as they buy me a pint of Stella Artois

Then if your Angel Investor, or even your rich dad, am I right again, anyway

If they want to invest in Me, then please do reply.

Otherwise, you can print and laminate this and put it in the gents' toilet by the urinals

I know you're a lady, so get the janitor to do it.

Then google me again, for you can find 208 stories read by me. 

As well as 2000 plus online, or 20 books in the car park of Amazon books

Just look for the really stupid photos, and if you are angry by now, then, that's what you are saying

Perhaps I should put this email online?

Why waste material

That's why Bernie had such silly mittens

Kittens rhythms next, so maybe I'll add a photo of my cat Totoro

I told my daughters they could have a dog if I died of a cat if I had a heart attack

A few weeks later I had an UNPLANNED Quadruple Heart Bypass

Ok, that's enough, you may be thinking what drugs am I on.

Just heart meds and pain killers, but not opioids because of my weak kidneys


Well maybe not so pure, but Imagination

I'm attaching 2 books as a punishment

Bet you wish you did your homework

And your nights cold in Canada?

Maybe John Denver is your boyfriend...

Confused or Smiling

Michael Casey

p.s I just got out of bed, Totoro drinks Comfort instead of Milk, hence so white and fluffy

Sweet Dreams Lebanon

 Sweet Dreams Lebanon

 I'm about to go to bed and I spotted you

SO if you look at my Wordpress you'll find

2 or even 3 books in full just download the Arabic

my daughters boyfriend is a native Arabic speaker

so from Chinese/Irish to Arabic

we are an International family

If you click here you can find them


just look for my Oliver Twist Photo, I just changed the lead photo

for something more up to date

And whatever Faith or None you my readers are

Stay Safe and Covid free

ok, bed.

 And somebody must be praying for me, for 2 nights I had better sleep, 

in 2 hour chunks. And I did not need a daytime nap.

God is Good, as my mother always used to say.

1995 mum and dad on their final trip to County Kerry

Monday 1 February 2021

What does History Teach Us What does History Teach Us

 What does History Teach Us What does History Teach Us

yes that it repeats itself

The obvious joke

As you look around the world, or Globe if you are trendy

What do you see


A man of the people who lives in a Palace

A man who claims to be Religious but has no Faith

People saying one thing and doing another

He is NOT my brother

Save me first, I'm so important

People tricking and cheating to the Lifeboat

But there is only one Sea

It is called Humanity

Look back at History, in USA

400,000 dead in Battle in WWII

450,000 dead with Covid 19 so  far

Back in USSR 40,000,000 is latest estimate for WWII

100 times more than USA

Yet the average American  has a total lack of History

If you look back you should see the Mistakes

And not go there again

If somebody says this but does that

Don't trust them, ever

Don't be a sheep listening to "Opinion"

Listen to News, and as may sources as possible

Lies are Lies are Lies

No matter how often repeated

Follow the Money they say in USA

They say it too in Russia too

And what will you find

Money speaks all languages

Money corrupts all Peoples

or rather the Love of Money

Their is a difference

These Covid Times, should be a New Beginning

There is only one People

Mankind, or Peoplekind if you a Linguistic Acrobat

Mankind is One

We are all fish in the same Fish tank

So everybody has to be saved or everybody will suffer

This is so Simple

Pollution Kills Everybody

Global Warming Kills Everybody

All resources are Finite

They End, just as we all die

But for Mankind to Survive

And it as big a deal as that

You have to remember we share the same bubble

Floating in Space

Stock Markets are not a True Indicator of Wellbeing

The Health of a Nation is the only true Wealth

Everything can be rebuilt and built better

Some things are so Simple

But  Love of Self and Love of Wealth

Must be tempered by, Saving All is the only way to save yourself

Or Avarice and Greed will Succeed

And then what ae you left with?

A  dying planet lost in space

Polluted and Raped and left dying and bleeding

Mother Earth should be loved like a Mother

Mother Earth is Love for One Another

Mother Earth is never me first

Mother Earth  is loving one another

But do we need to repeat History, again and again

Before we, Mankind realise, we are already on borrowed time

Or will we be lost is space

Today 12th May has been my Mother's 28th year in Heaven she died in 1996

Today 12th May has been my Mother's 28th year in Heaven she died in 1996 one of her friends is 99 now another died at 99 a third is in t...