Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Good Morning Singapore are you READY?

Good Morning Singapore are you READY?

So Singapore is afraid HK was going to take the reading Crown

Well hurry up and read the lot

4900 or so pieces just here on this Blogger

and I know all of you can afford to BUY all 20 books on Amazon


so what have you got to lose, you lost that already

discuss 4000 words by Midnight tomorrow

I lost what to Michael Casey

My ignorance

My sense of humour

My farts in a jar

You tell me


nice to see you suddenly there again

or are you a Dyson Vacuum factory


i went out for  bloods 

and for a 2nd shot of Shingles vaccine

i stumbled over an old neighbour

so spontaneously I gave him a USB

with 2,000,000 words on

SO he will suffer

but I hope he will laugh too

I also had some extra keys cut

by a man with tats

and is assistant with no teeth

But his daughter is doing all kinds of everything at University

so I said to the toothless man

His daughter could match cartoons to my old words

so long as she did not think they were a load of old cobblers

I was in the key and cobblers shop after all

I also put an old vacuum outside in the street

I told a passing Pole she could start a Cleaning Business

15 an hour to house clean, she now has  a battery powered vacuum form me

So i hope my idea works for her

As I go a long, I am a Little Bee. Pollinating


Now my new air dryer for the washing arrived

so i have to construct that

But I am exhausted already as I was out walkin in the heat

and my arthritis left shoulder has kicked off

as  well as the TINNITUS

will a Singapore millionairess arrive

to take me away from all this

I'll let you know

Though I may just run for President instead

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