Wednesday 10 July 2024

Screaming Tinnitus

Screaming Tinnitus

it's making me bend double with noise in my head

or maybe a heavy thunder storm is coming

i feel the weather

hong kong still mad for me

they still don't buy a book on Amazon

to feed this writer and  his 2 student daughters

6 more years of University

so all donations gratefully accepted

and if my small one went on to get a PhD too

that would be 9 more years between the two of them

I hope I can endue the pain and noise that long

Though I'd miss any graduation day

My pain and noise is too severe and random

So I missed last years graduation already

My brother and sister stood in for me

I'd need a driver/nurse almost to help slap on the pain killer

as I speak I'm off the wall, nothing to do with Michael Jackson

just noise and arthritis pain

Taylor Swift is a tortured poet in the corner of the room

I may change my appearance too

my rugby shirts are getting a bit tatty

pardon me while I cringe

a truck with a bad exhaust just puked poison into the street

so my open window let the poison in

I am ultra sensitive to smoke and fumes

otherwise I'm just a fool on a hill

we normally get fresh air

I'll stop now, the noise from Tinnitus

is inducing a massive headache

And that is why you get these

Instead of Brand new stories

and yes HK, feel free to  buy them

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2 in one from 2009 and 2017

The Light from a Candle Jan 23, '09 5:24 PM I watched as the candle's life ended, smoke spiralled in the air. I tried to see where t...