Thursday, 3 August 2023

Turning Japanese

Japan was having a download over on my Wordpress 

so here is the link for the rest of you

I just hope I don't get more Russians with fake Japanese emails

annoying me

I'm in far too much pain and NOISE from Tinnitus today

But a  real Japanese person would be worth talking to

In the end if you cannot talk or laugh

then you are dead already

Discuss 3000 words by end of day

Japanese Translation in Full Quick Stories


Trump lies continue, Americans self destructing

No wonder Putin took a chance

So the answer is, yes Pray the Rosary

or do you have a magic wand

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11 nations reading today, plus Brunei on wordpress

 So 12 of you, have you got nothing better to do? Thank you My head is exploding and I've slapped on neem on my arthritis shoulder and M...