Sunday, 20 August 2023

Singapore back

 i've just logged on

Singapore backhand not to my face

just straight down the line and smash reading me

the house near me is back on the market 315k

so you could come and make me soup

the picture is on this site so you can work it out

or if you have a bit of money from your TicTOK

a choice of 3, or 4 if you find the original cheaper one

So thanks for reading me, you'll never meet me in reality

Not unless you are a Toilet Paper manufacturer 

Crazy Rich Asians and all that

my shoulder and Tinnitus has just kicked off again

So I'm squirming

and so would you if you met me

so stay happy always

I may have emailed you in the middle of the night when my Tinnitus was screaming

I still email Moscow daily for months on end

for I want Putin to end

and let Russians get back to pre 1917 values

my thug look I had a haircut my BSc BioChem daughter did it I need a shave too

but I am very hairy and my head and face grow like Japanese knotweed

is this my Singapore reader or is it a Sumo like me?

I'll never know

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