Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Our Modern Familes

Our Modern Families ©

By Michael Casey

We all watch Modern Family on tv as well New Girl, these show us how modern families live and fight amongst themselves. Mum used the say the family that prays together stays together, or in the modern world the family that watches tv together stays together. Or so it used to be, I can still remember Channel4 arriving in UK, it was a big deal, this was when I was a kid 40 years and more ago.

Tv is a great unifier, we all watch our favourite soap together and it’s a main topic of conversation, as we share  out the biscuits and sweets as we watch tv, and scream don’t stand in front of the tv I’m watching it. Since the advent of SKY we have loads more tv to watch, and we can stop the shows while we dash to the toilet, or make a cup of tv.  Which is great in my opinion, Sky and Virgin fight it out for our tv pennies, and now we even have Sky Q which may have been named after Q from James Bond. Next time Bond and Q are down the Trader in Old Forge and Singing Anvil I will ask them.

 What all this tv does is split the viewers, mum and dad are watching 50 Shades of Grey and taking copious notes as they are decorating their bathroom and bedroom all next week. The kids thanks to Sky Q  can watch their shows on a tablet and even take it on a picnic with them, or sneak it into school in their lunch box.

 Then your tv has become an Internet TV too because of Sky Q, so Rupert must have “bribed” Q with a DB7 and season ticket for Manchester United or maybe just a box set of Home and Away when Kylie and Jason first appeared. All these things split the family, but also save the family as there are no tv clashes any more, years of tv can be recorded to watch in our 2nd 3rd or 4th lives, I’m sure you would need to be a Buddhist to have enough  time to watch all your favourite shows. So does the Dali Lama watch Coronation Street, or does he watch all the box sets of Dallas.  Perhaps one day Michael Casey will be big on tv, if you don’t know who Michael Casey is it’s me, you really must start reading my titles.  

Food does bring families together, especially if its Chinese food, though in our Shanghai Birmingham family Chinese food is a thrice daily thing. And what do we watch on tv, food shows, we watch more food shows than actually preparing real food. I’m sure the next thing on tv will be a 3d printer attached to the tv so if you like somebody’s meat balls you can have them made by the tv and you just reach in and grab their balls.

All this is for the future I’m sure Rupert is already thinking of all this, once he finishes reading all 10 of my books on Amazon, though knowing my luck if he gives feedback he’ll say, Perfect for Radio.

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