Monday, 17 October 2016

No More Pain

No More Pain ©
By Michael Casey

Mary J Blige was just singing on Magic Chilled, and part of the song said No More Pain, she’s being followed by Will Young, in a way they are both singing about the same thing, Pain. This makes me smile as this  morning I was screaming in pain, lying down gives me pain thanks to my scar tissue and my Arthur/arthritis. Relax I won’t bore you all too much with this. The next song is we were born sick, take me to church.

I was wondering what to write about tonight, and the radio presented the answer to me, or is God the straight man feeding me the line and I turn it into a comic line, just like double acts, such as Abbot and Costello. We all have sad days, and there are friends at work or in our neighbourhood who lift our spirits. Some say they are just useless, worthless people, but in fact they are the glue that binds society together.

If you forgive yet another Trump joke, who would we be laughing at now if we didn’t have Donald to laugh at, so he could end up with the Congressional Medal of Honour spelt with just an O  too, because he gave us all such great entertainment, I speak as an avid news watcher with 50 years experience. And as he said he’ll still get to Pennsylvania Avenue, he just opened a new hotel there in the old Post Office building.

So Heaven Help Hillary if she wins and wants to post any clothes to her grandchild in New York. They’ll just disappear, or do losing Presidential candidates join the Post Office, so should we watch out for Mr Trump wearing shorts. Though in Men in Black 3, one of the Men in Black worked in the Post Office, before coming out and saving the world. So Donald Trump will save the world from aliens, but that’s all in the Future.

But I digress, I must have learnt that from the Donald Trump school of speech giving. I hope I have amused you all, especially those of you at the London Embassy, as you report back to Obama what the rest of the world is thinking about.

I heard that John Kerry will be asked to remain as Foreign Secretary, but his shorthand is not very good. He also is thinking of joining Team Sky and doing the Tour de France, but his secret service detail insist they are not shaving their legs for anybody, not even if Rupert Murdoch throws in the new Q Sky tv thingy. 

So it looks like that John Kerry, who is the best President America never had, in my opinion, he will in fact go back to his job sealing the lids on baked bean tins  in his wife’s old bean factory. Even though there may be issues with Global Warming due to the number of children who eat too many baked beans, even though it is a form of central heating for kids.

Where was I, I am about to watch the Press Preview on Sky, so I have to  finish, but I hope I have distracted you enough  so that you forget your pain. Whatever your pain is, a teacher, a boyfriend, an exam, or a fat silver haired writer from Birmingham who makes you cry before you go out on stage and say everything is rigged, should I remind you of the song about the Scottish Donald? 

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