Monday, 3 October 2016

Giving your rubbish away

Giving your Rubbish Away ©
By Michael Casey

We give away our rubbish, and people are glad to receive it, ok we don’t actually give away our rubbish, what I mean to say is that we don’t waste our rubbish, we put it to good use. We use Charity shops, it is a waste if your children’s clothes go in the bin with little wear on them.

So we bag clothes up and I walk up the road and hand it over to the Charity shop volunteer, over here it is volunteers only the manager gets paid. If you have young kids they grow so fast so it’s a pity to bin what could be used again, items are practically brand new. When I grew up I had 4th hand clothes until I got too fat for hand me downs, though I did enjoy wearing my mother’s dresses, dad had a nice evening gown which he wore to the steel works. Am I joking or is the famous British steel workers sense of humour, is it the same in Pennsylvania?

If my girls have a massive clear out the sacks can be too heavy to carry so I have to improvise. So I lay the items on the garden wall and try and entice passing parents to take away the jeans or coats or tops or even shoes that no longer fit our girls. If the fashion has changed then some items are quickly despised and so are available for passing strangers. No our girls   are NOT like that spoilt brat Pony wanting girl in Willy Wonka.  If you have your own girls you will understand, girls just need more clothes more often, just as your wife does.

Sometimes you spot a child wearing your daughters’ old clothes, it’s nice that somebody had the wear of them, it’s a sin to waste clothes as it’s a sin to waste food, share and share alike. As far as my old clothes go, that is a sight to behold, I’m XXL so if I send something to the Charity shop, it will either be used by a fat but not as beautiful man, I have to be honest after all, I am a George Clooney look alike, ok I did work in a law firm for 3 years, that’s my only connection. Or the Scouts buy my old coats and use them as tents up in the woods, or as kites. But at least my clothes have a new life, a kind of reincarnation.

So don’t lazy, don’t throw clothes in the trash as you say in USA, pass them on, somebody will love your old clothes. So please pass on your old clothes even copy me and put them on your garden wall this Fall.  Who knows perhaps Bill Gates may pass by, for we all knows he could do with some new threads or maybe just have his inside leg measured properly. 

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