Monday 28 January 2019

just a quick thank you

just a quick thank you

On the same day The Butcher The  Baker and The Undertaker is being read in:-
Chinese, German, Russian and Spanish so thank you in Brazil, Switzerland, Russia
and USA
my readers are so very far flung.
In Search of an Indian Princess the Polish Translation which is the last 3  chapters
The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker gained 21,000 readers  in just 3 weeks.
It was also a film pitch in 2013 with a low budget film  company.
And back in 1989 my play Shoplife was accepted by a professional theatre but never
finally produced.
So please tell all your friends and if you are Rupert  Murdoch’s cleaner do drop a
hint, or
then mop bucket so finally my dreams come true.
Michael  Casey could become a cult on Netflix or anywhere else.
Rupert could come come around for chips.
But life is a game of Roulette as my brother once said.

Wydanie polskie Still Alive 2015win Wiersze dla wszystkichThe Polish TranslationsThe Polish Translationspolish Guardian AngelPolish Edition of Still Alive 2015Michael Casey The Polish Translations페이지 1 Quick Stories KOREAN아직도 살아있는 2015ページ1 Quick Stories in Japaneseインドのプリンセスを検索するにはインドのプリンセスを検索するには – CopyЭТО МОЙ ЛИФТ ADСтраница 1shoplife spanishJapanese elevator AdvertBBU GermanBBU French50 Spanish Examples50 Spanish Examplesbbumar2008-en-zh-cn-1BBUMar2008.en.zh-CN (1)BBU in HebrewBBU in Arabic300 وBBU Russian Translation microsoft wordBBU in KOREANBBU GermanBBU French50 Spanish ExamplesKOREAN TRANSLATION Still Alive 2015The Polish TranslationsSpanish BBU아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015
or buy on amazon

History is Geography

History is Geography

I was  watching the news and Afghanistan was mentioned


You cannot beat Geography

So the new "plans"  reminded me of The Post a film I raved about a few weeks ago.

Peace with Honour does not exist.

There are always winners and losers

And Pyrrhic victories

USA is walking away, and as a mum in USA I'd be glad

But it's lying to yourself to say everything will be roses when you go.

Who  knows who will enter the Trap that is Afghanistan

There are billions or trillions in minerals in resources in Afghanistan

Maybe China or India will be the next Power to try and "tame" Afghanistan

Or maybe Afghanistan will do it for themselves

I don't know, but I do know History is Geography,

and you can never beat Geography.

Remember Vietnam, and The Post.

Though Vietnam is doing ok now, so with Time, Afghanistan may copy them.

That's why History, or the News is so interesting.

Greetings Cards

Greetings Cards©
Michael Casey

Well today is a very bright blue sky day, but go outside and you will discover just how fresh it is. It is freezing so I went half way down the hill to get a greetings card, and thanked God that was all the walking I’d be doing today. The cold air constricts everything and with my heart I’ve been told to watch it in freezing weather, and that is why I’m so happy this year is not as cold as last. Tomorrow a load of snow is expected to be dumped on England, I’m hoping London gets it and not us, here in Birmingham.

Perhaps I should send a greetings card to London, saying enjoy the snow. Traditions arrive, such as Christmas trees and Christmas cards, you can google it all for yourself as homework. I image greetings cards first began with Kings sending messages of Love or War. The king sealed the message with wax and on pain of death were his messages opened. Then with time the post office began, and then steaming envelopes open began too, servants can never be trusted after all, not unless you cut their tongues out first. And move lower with your knife if you don’t trust your wife while you are away fighting whatever battle there was.

This is just background. So why do you, yes you sitting there bored at work in 40 countries, why do you send cards? To impress your girl, or boy or grandma so she leaves you her house in her will? Whatever reason you send a card, there is always a reason. If you are shy then you can leave a card on the girl’s desk asking her to ring a number 123456789 and then you won’t be rejected to your face. You may send a series of comic cards, you even hand illustrate them if you are a good artist. May Lin from the Korean take away slipped me a cartoon written on the lid of a rice container. FATSO I love you so, which was both a good rhythm and accurate. Now we have 7 children and 5 takeaways. Romance and business via a home make greetings card, with silver all on one side to match my age and hair.

When you are sending a greetings card you have to send something nice, a picture of a nursing home to your grannie, to encourage her to move out her 7 bedroom mansion, and leave it to you as her 90th Birthday approaches. And a picture of rugby balls and half naked girls to your sports mad friend. And a field of flowers for your gay best friend, he saved you from a kicking many years ago, before he gained his 5th black belt.

The thing to remember is not to mix the greetings cards up. Your grannie would not appreciate a card with rugby balls and 1/2 naked girls on. Not unless she was a secret lesbian with thing for oval balls, in today’s world anything is possible, such as understanding Brexit.

Your rugby mad friend would not really like a pretty field of flowers, not unless naked women were strolling through them. Or a very young Theresa May was running through them being chased by a farmer with a shot gun, or is that Rees Mog?

As for the picture of the nursing home, your gay friend would just cry and cry, his dad owned a nursing home and used to beat him, but it did inspired him to take up martial arts. His dad soon left and your gay friend turned the home into a martial arts school, special discounts for seniors. I believe Steptoe’s friends were his first pupils.

A blank card is very useful as you can write Happy Xmas, Happy Birthday, Happy this or Happy that. Though as ever make sure you get the greeting and the person’s name right. WE are lucky as we just write everything in an Oriental language, so the receiver is happy, and never knows its the laundry list or the shopping list. It’s so different getting a card all Oriental. Which reminds me when I see people with Tats in Oriental language I always tell them seriously it means “this way up” I’m lying of course but people believe me, what it really means is “other way up.”

Well I have to have my dinner now, Queen are singing The Show Must Go On, they can keep their show I’m putting the dinner on, the dinner must go on, the dinner must go on, the dinner must go on. Brian stop that guitar noise, I just spilled the frozen peas all over the kitchen floor. Totoro stop playing with those frozen peas, and as for that drummer, his plating is worse that my Tinnitus. Yes they are all around my house, I’m trying to teaching them waiter skills, they can earn a few bob in their Summer Hols. Cliff you can shut up too.  

Sunday 27 January 2019

From singing to screaming

From Singing to Screaming ©
Michael Casey

I was struggling to think of a title for tonight’s talk when the pain monster descended, I may need to stop and scream and slap on the Movelat as I’m in lots of pain right now. My left shoulder as usual being the main culprit, it’s 6 years since my major pains started by the way. Anyway I’m going to talk a bit about Freddie Mercury, I saw a documentary called The King of Queen. The new docu/drama  2018 film is also doing great at the cinema.

When I saw the documentary today I was struck by many things, one fact I learnt was that AIDS could incubate for 10years. Also with retrovirals you can live almost as long as somebody with out HIV/Aids. Not something I’d talk about, but because of Freddie I have to mention it. What I really want to talk about was his talent, his enunciation, or how he spoke so very posh. He was a fan of Sinatra, aren’t we all? Sinatra enunciates so clearly, you can understand what he’s saying, he isn’t mumbling into his beard or anything like that.

So enunciation is so very important, it is this clarity that gives power to the words, in actual fact it magnifies them. When we had that MP speak in favour of Theresa May’s Brexit for the first time, the Press said it was like having Oliver or some other famous actor speak on her behalf. And it was so true. However when he tried it a 2nd time he did not sound as powerful. The Magic wasn’t there the 2nd time around.

So there is Magic and Performance, when you get it right then you really do get Power and Majesty. I have my own Teacher’s voice, just as my sister-in-law has her Lawyer’s voice. When I recorded 200 or so of my stories as usual I did everything in one take, just as I write in one take, usually in one hour for the writing.

But reading aloud is a different skill to writing them down, creating them in the first place. So I hope the recordings got better as I gained more practice. It did take me a year to learn how to write in the first place and that was after 20 years of radio4 listening. So 200 5 min or so recordings may not be enough practice.

You may be relieved to know I don’t plan on recording any more of my 2000 pieces, why, because it is so tiring, it is a performance after all. But back to Freddie Mercury, his skill was not just the enunciation but the crowd control, no I don’t mean he dressed up as a Policeman with a stick to control people. What he did was Magic, It’s a Kind of Magic, you will no doubt agree. On the documentary it said he knew Music as a conductor knows music, it was in his brain, just as God enjoys Nature, first let there be a gentle breeze, then a dawn chorus, followed by a flight of birds, followed by oranges changing into blues across the morning skies.

So with Freddie his innate love of music and sound, led to wonderful meals of music. Theatre was big in him too, hence the videos, one person on the documentary stated that Bohemian Rhapsody created
MTV before it even existed. They couldn’t do the song live on Top Of The Pops so they made the video, and the rest is History.

Freddie’s love of Opera and Sinatra made him a much more rounded person, he wasn’t just one dimensional. The band Queen were also made of of very clever people, Brain May did you know is now a real Phd in Astrophysics. The point is if you are open to new things and don’t look down in your own ditch, then you have a greater understanding of your own field, don’t just plant potatoes because you only ever plant potatoes. Plant a few vegetables, and have an apple tree and roses around your cottage door, have a goose as a burglar alarm too. Yes these are metaphors, but you could be equally as happy by being literal too.

Sing clearly in your life, and then your voice, your skill, your love will scream out to high heavens. Things do Transcend, Freddie singing with an Opera Dive, that is an obvious one. But a friendship with the janitor and you are a barrister, the bus driver and the police inspector. The deli owner and everybody. Just as Music screams out and demands attention and leads to Love, so quality Music touches all our souls. That’s what Freddie did with his voice, he touched us, he moved us he inspired us.

We can’t copy his voice, or even his life, but we can all in some small way create a little bit of Magic as we go about our daily life. Maybe we should lead singing on the Friday night bus after we’ve been clubbing. Or just enunciate clearly our daily life, let there be no confusion, no risk of not saying. I Love You, I Love You, I Love you, then we’ll all go to bed happy. Whether the bed is a loving bed, or the bed of roses that grows on all our graves. Rest in Peace Freddie.

Friday 25 January 2019

The Gift of Seeing

The Gift Of Seeing©
Michael Casey

As I said yesterday I watched Solace for the 2nd time yesterday, it was really good that’s why I watched it a 2nd time when it popped up again. Today I was watching Star Trek Discovery season 2, where Captain Pike to me looks like a young Mitt Romney. Not unless Mitt moonlights as he needs a few extra bucks. Now what have they got in common?

Well Solace is about seeing into the future or being psychic, and Star Trek featured angels, and that leads to hope and faith. Being able to see the future or see a person’s life just by touching them is a most interesting concept. It’s on a par with shaking hands and seeing somebody totally naked, literally and figuratively as well as emotionally. Its on a par with speed dating but with all the bad things, the sad things exposed, without the comfort of going to bed.

Image you shake my hand and I know all your innermost thoughts, your past, your present and your future. It’s worse than Xray eyes, it’s seeing you naked, not just your body, but far far worse its seeing into your mind, and seeing your naked thoughts. As embarrassing as it may be to be naked, or not at all if you are a nudist, you prefer to be naked anyway.

But now I can see into your heart, into your head, and into your very thoughts. In the Bible Adam and Eve are told they can enjoy Eden, but do not eat of the fruit of the Apple Tree. When therserpent tempts Eve she eats of the apple, and then so does Adam. Then they realise they are naked, and cover themselves up, God comes along and asks them “who told you you were naked?”

So being psychic is like being like God, you see everything and through everything and everybody. Do we all want to be like that? Or is the rush, the tidal wave of knowledge too much for our human brains and bodies? Seeing everybody naked could be enjoyable if you are just looking at the Beautiful People or the Beautiful Minds. But then you see the fat hairy scarred people, like Michael Casey, despite his wonderful soft and shiny silver hair. You see other far from perfect bodies, I’ll leave that to your imaginations.

You see into people’s minds, past the false smiles and the dead eyes. You see the nice people who really want to help the Altruists of this world. But then you also see the Wolves who would take advantage of you. The nice boy who who seduce you and leave you pregnant, or with a STD. On the surface he is so nice, but you are psychic so you  know he’s really a bad un. Or the perfect girl, who really wants to fleece you, or just wants a Passport, so she’s totally the wrong one.

The phrase too sweet to be wholesome is so true, because too many sweets do rot your teeth. With your psychic abilities you can see through people, so you know who are the bastards straight away. But would it be great to be psychic? Would being able to see people naked with all their badness revealed be such a great thing? Or would it become a curse?

When you meet somebody the gradual finding out is part of life and is fun. It’s like a meal, with a starter, a main course and then a dessert followed by coffee and biscuits and a mint. Then in due course you may be naked and discover each others’ bodies. But what if you are psychic? Will you always be too harsh because you discover things too fast, you are God like. Is that kind of knowledge too much for our human minds to cope with?

The other thing about being psychic is the rush of information, its like being Canute with the tide coming in with full force. If you an damn the information and then control it you can become a power station if you like. Otherwise the data, the flow will just wash you away like a tsunami. I imagine that’s what tires psychic, its the total flow of information coming at them. Its like the difference between a pinhole camera to a 4K monster tv with sound bar.

So psychic have to handicap themselves or distract themselves to drown out all the other influences. In science fiction the psychic may wear gloves and dark glasses, just as we have a lampshade and a dimmer switch for lamps otherwise they are too powerful. The other thing to remember is that seeing so much can be painful to the psychic. Its fine looking at a beautiful naked woman, or man if you re female reading this. But what if you are looking at a horrible naked man, such as me, for want of an example. Wouldn’t you just puke, obviously if it really were me. So think of the poor psychic, being showered with all this information.

I think in the end being a psychic is a curse, you cannot control all the information coming at you, you really do need sleep, or sensory deprivation to stop all the information overwhelming you. Just as those of us with Tinnitus use lots of music to distract us from the hiss in our ears. Nighttime is worse so with Tinnitus music beside the bed to keep on playing as we drift off to sleep or not.

Imagine what it must be like for God, billions and billions upon billions of thoughts and tears, and occasionally a widow’s mite of prayer. I thing our prayers are the thing that stops God’s tinnitus, and helps his all seeing and all knowing, it’s the good news on an eternal bad news day.

And am I psychic? Well I can never see a day when I finally get recognition and reward for my 1,420,000 Words. Just a bit of comfort in my early retirement would be nice. Though if I made millions I’d  build a pain relief hospital. Because I’ve had too much experience of pain in my life, I cannot be a doctor, all I can hope to do is try and make you all laugh. Would taking off all my clothes work, or would you all just puke? Who’s psychic now?



Spend 8 million of my TAX money on the needy

Government offers free portraits of King Charles to churches, universities and hospitals as part of £8m scheme Churches, universities and ho...