Saturday 10 November 2018

In the Beginning was the Word

In the Beginning was The Word ©
Michael Casey

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was made flesh. We all know this sentence no matter what Faith we have, or don’t have. Our words define us, they bind us they stir us, they bring us great Peace, or they summon us to War. You will deny me 3, three times, before the cock crows, we’ve all heard those words too.

So why are words so important? Because they lead to actions, and actions speak louder than words. Words have value and power, but when they are overused or misused then the words spoken are worthless, talk is cheap but money buys bread as my own dad would say. But what does that mean? Put your money where your mouth is, give power and strength your words. If you say something then back it up by your actions. I will cut the lawn, not stay in bed playing on your computer console. So you actually do cut the grass, instead of just smoking it.

We all know of the good and bad sons, one said he’d work but did not, the other said he would not work but had 2nd thoughts and did. Actions and words, there is a difference. Over use of words, makes them meaningless. Hero is over used. Did he save many lives without thinking of the cost. It’s November 11th  2018 tomorrow and we remember heroes and plain GI Joes  tomorrow in Flanders Fields and many a battlefield. Ordinary men who died 100 years ago in the war to end all wars, heroes led by donkeys is one phrase I half remember. We are told it helped end the forelock touching Class system in Britain.

Words and deferential words were use 100 years ago, but then the Tommy woke up and wondered what was it all for, and why should he call anybody Sir. In USA it’s always more casual, more friendly even. But Politicians abuse the people the world over. You are a hero so long as you do the leader’s bidding. The word gets over used and abused. My hero is the guy who just brought me my glass of Coke, he is such a Good Man for doing that. When the word should be reserved for the firefighters in California fighting those fire, when death and smoke is all around them.

Climate change is real, that’s why storms are so bad and so often, don’t blame lazy firefighters from your self imposed ivory tower of ignorance. Words kill, they destroy, they harm at the very least, so weigh your words well. Any Fool can throw out ignorant words, based on your ivory tower of ignorance. Find out Facts and accept them, even if it does not fit your own stunted world view. If a thing is black, then it is black. It never becomes white no matter how many times you lie that it is. You are not a washing powder salesman, or maybe you are.

If you are in somebody’s home you don’t use the curtains to wipe your hands on, nor complain about the foreign food. You should try and stay polite and if you cannot Be Nice as Les Dawson said,then just be quiet. The world does not revolve around you, and if you are attending such a Holy occasion, and it is Holy, then don’t do all the photo opportunities and then say you don’t like the transport and sulk in your hotel.

A humble hour car ride to visit the graves of true heroes from 100 years ago, is well worth your time. You have time, they do not, they are lying in their graves. So you came all the way to France, but did not bother visits the graves of USA GIs. 100 years of History has past since they died, but you could not bother to share a car with your retired generals. Because it was too humble, so while they honoured fallen men, what did you do, did you pray silently in the hotel, or just Tweet? While Jesus died on the cross the Centurian named Trump just tweeted.

Words are used to deny and lie, especially. I swear I do not know him, I swear even more I do not know him. As the CNN cock crows three times more, as the faked films are released. So now an AG who you don’t know, even though you have had many a last supper together. And what do we learn about the new AG, the man you want to bury the Russian Investigation. Apart from the fact he is a great cheer leader and can do the splits, almost as well as you. We hear that GIs were scammed by a company the new AG was connected to.

So as you sit in your hotel room, thinking about yourself, and not those GIs buried for 100 years in a foreign field. Remember the bad son who in the end became a good son. Which one will you be? The cock is crowing, the cock is always crowing. This is your Nobel moment, he read his own obituary, then he changed. Will you change this November morn? Or will all your words prove worthless, because your actions are worthless too.  A man is judged by his actions, not what he says but what he does. And as Truman knew the Buck Stop Here, so stop passing the buck to save a buck, shoulder your responsibilities. Just as today we shoulder the coffin of an unknown soldier. Rest in Peace honorable men, class of 1918.  

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still more audio:- 151 to 176


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Health is the Only Wealth, it seems I'm getting weaker lately, some times I look strong, then the Iron Curtain of Pain descends. Totally Randomly at any time of the day. Yes, stay healthy all of you.

Peace Corp

Peace Corp ©

Michael Casey

I heard about The Peace Corp on the radio4 this morning, it was a good programme. I didn’t know it was 50years old. It did get me thinking which is a good sign for any programme. JFK was the man behind it, the thing that changes the most is the soul of the volunteer, soul being the right word. To think that your gift of 2 years of  your life, your work for 2 years is a soul changing thing, and the place where you are working benefits greatly too.

DC is on about having community service here, if it worked that would fun for the youth and society could benefit too. The thing is though, do people in general want to be the Good Samaritan to Society, or are we all so selfish nowadays? Are we ready to have our soul changed? Years ago we had a guy at work he took a year off to travel around the world, when he came back he hadn’t change an inch, so I think it was a waste of a year. It might be my Irish blood but we tell a tale when we come back from Aldi  just up the road, our Chinese Irish kids are that way too. You have to connect with the world before you can change yourself and your surroundings wherever that may be. You cannot be Peace Corp unless you travel first to yourself, the Inner Journey is the biggest and best journey.

The journey within means you know yourself, you know your own heart, once that is known you can set out on whatever   course you want to take. Sometimes in a life you do have the Dark Night of the Soul, but once you pass through that you do have an even greater insight into yourself. Naïve dreams give way to realities, you stop trying to run before you can walk, you plan, even if its on a piece of paper stuck to the fridge. The Peace Corp idea may have been first sketched out on the back on an envelope, but it grew and now its 50years old. Over here we have The Duke of Edinburgh scheme and The Prince’s Trust, next time I have a beer with the Duke and the Prince, or more likely in The Duke or The Prince pubs, I’ll have to ask them did they think their soul changing schemes would make a difference. If you can discover or touch your own soul then you can have a little peace, peace will have a chance and John Lennon will smile again.
this is from 7 years ago or so, just in time for 11th Nov 2018
mums house (1)
yes my mum really was born here, Cromane Lower County Kerry Eire
this is where all my faith and hope emerged

Friday 9 November 2018

Outrageous Lies

Outrageous Lies

Well if the White House doctors video you know the end is near.

Will there be Martial Law when Trump is finally caught out?

Will the 25 Amendment kick in

Hiding behind pseudo manners does not wash, people are not morons

Even if you treat them as if they are


Eventually the school bully is put down

Hitler had to be put down, but America did not care as it was over there

Now in their own country everything is slowly being corrupted

No Man is above the Law

Republicans have to stand up against him for the sake of the Republic

Is it Russian Mafia  Money that bailed out Trump?

We heard that over here in UK

Did he invest in abortion clinics?

The dirty little secret will come out in the end

No President can be his own Police, Judge and Jury

But in Trump's mind he is a god

Nobody believes it

When the economy turns and it will in time for 2020

Then when people lose money, then they will drop him like a stone

Rolling Stones gather no moss

But no amount of rallies can prevent the moss of History finally covering Trump

The next thing will be a foreign adventure, to distract from home worries

Will Trump nuke North Korea in a fit of rage?

Then claim he is a hero, defending America, looking oh so Presidential

But sadly North Korea will take out Boston, with a nuke hidden on a cargo ship

All this is Outrageous  Fears?

Or will the bully be put back on his golf courses and orderly diplomacy  return  to the world.

History teaches us there will be a crisis

Let's hope that a few good men are there by his side to save USA and all  of us

Even if it means putting handcuffs on the President and an orange jump suit to match his orange


For Evil to Prosper all it takes is Good Men to watch and do nothing.

The fake White House video harks back to evil in other times and places

If something is not done soon, it will be too late.

An angry, bitter, resentful, vain old man prowling around a podium, is not a good advert for the

USA. The Presidency has been tarnished perhaps forever by this toxic brand of a man.

Ronald Regan and JFK must be spinning in their graves.

It's time for Republicans to save the Republic, or has all honour been sold too,

 for  30 pieces of silver ?

Thursday 8 November 2018

The Dead and The Living

The Dead and The Living ©


Michael Casey

I first saw a deceased when I was nine years old ,my father said not

to worry as the dead are the same as the living , only the laughter

has left them , the sparkle has gone from their eyes , the worry has

been lifted from their shoulders , and their voice has vanished to

eternity .

In paradise the sparkle will return for it is the twinkle of the

stars , the laughter will return too for it is the morning breeze and

the turning tides are their sides shaking with laughter .

I treat the deceased with the same courtesy as I give to the living ,

though I find the deceased are always more polite . My father also

had a few words to say about the living .

He said that the living are only the caretakers of the soul , yet

they think their existence is everything , that they know everything

because they experience many things with their senses .

What the living don't acknowledge is that their time is short and

when I lay their bodies to rest then their souls continue without

them , without their strong , without their weak , without their

beautiful or even ugly temporary form , to where I cannot say , only

that it is a better place .

Percy the undertaker placed the lid on the coffin ,the soul was free



this is from my novel BBU

sadly how many times do I have to repost this when USA has yet another Massacre, it's time for USA to grow up and do something.

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on my typepad site I hae now uploaded 130 of my 200 or so audio stories

yes it remains my copyright.   But just in case the pain monster gets me you are all cursed with my stories to HEAR.

tell your kids to go into pain relief, win a Nobel Prize for that...

We had a visitor in the night, a local fox came calling and jumping over the fence too. I may write a new piece later, I'm was stupid I listened all night to the USA election so my body clock is still out, add a pain monster or two.

We are enjoying the new house, all the snagging is nearly done,  then poverty beckons as we have to pay for it all. So I will be buying a lottery.

This weekend marks what would have been my dad's 97th Birthday, he did reach 80 though. Personally if I reach 65 or 70 I'll be amazed, yes the pains are that debilitating.

So enjoy the stories while I'm still here.



still more audio:- 116 to 130


this is our old piano a few years ago

4826 sorry I've been coughing my guts up

4826 sorry I've been coughing my guts up is it a very bad cold, or whooping cough but my underlying health conditions heart, kidney, art...