Thursday 12 September 2024

afternoon 12th Sept 2024 plus golf bonus at very end

afternoon 12th Sept 2024

so you liked the cartoon

if you look at the Daily Mail, Guardian, Telegraph and other newspapers daily

then you can find some good cartoons, as well as Z list people showing their bits

GOP is still a messed up entity

HERE's  what I heard yesterday plus my solution

Quote  Trump is a Lunatic but he's a good business man 
So better for Economy
So I vote Trump

That's why you must say Bankrupt In Business 
Bankrupt In Character 

Hammer home.that

Thats  my Take from watching reaction to the Debate on tv today 

The USA style of advert is poncy and naff and Patronising

Be quicker on Delivery I speak as a comedy  writer 

USA normally telegraphs the joke

Be quicker and yes use the song Donald Where's your Trousers it's on tube

So my advert would be

How do you remember Donald Trump ?

Close up  of Trump at Podium and pull back from him ranting

To reveal no Trousers 

Voice over: Donald Trump
 all talk and 
No Trousers *

NDA. Not required 

*(an English expression, for lack of action)

So idea is like
Like old Mad Magazine from 70s

Quick and easy to produce and swamp him 

And you could get singers to make a new version  of Donald Where's Your Troosers 

Lady gaga.  You could have s Billboard number One

Or am I too British humour for you

I am in Birmingham England after all

afternoon 12th Sept 2024

Thursday 12 September 2024

afternoon 12th Sept 2024

afternoon 12th Sept 2024

so you liked the cartoon

if you look at the Daily Mail, Guardian, Telegraph and other newspapers daily

then you can find some good cartoons, as well as Z list people showing their bits

GOP is still a messed up entity

HERE’s  what I heard yesterday plus my solution

Quote  Trump is a Lunatic but he’s a good business man 

So better for Economy

So I vote Trump


That’s why you must say

Bankrupt In Business 

Bankrupt In Character 

Hammer home.that

Thats  my Take from watching reaction to the Debate on tv today 

The USA style of advert is poncy and naff and Patronising

Be quicker on Delivery I speak as a comedy  writer 

USA normally telegraphs the joke

Be quicker and yes use the song Donald Where’s your Trousers it’s on utube, 60years old

So my advert would be


How do you remember Donald Trump ?

Close up  of Trump at Podium and pull back from him ranting

To reveal no Trousers 

Voice over: Donald Trump

 all talk and 

No Trousers *

NDA. Not required 


*(an English expression, for lack of action)

So idea is like

Like old Mad Magazine from 70s

Quick and easy to produce and swamp him 

And you could get singers to make a new version  of Donald Where’s Your Troosers 

Lady Gaga. or a BandAid style group

You could have s Billboard number One

Or am I too British humour for you

I am in Birmingham England after all

– September 12, 2024 

Thursday 12 September 2024

afternoon 12th Sept 2024

afternoon 12th Sept 2024

so you liked the cartoon

if you look at the Daily Mail, Guardian, Telegraph and other newspapers daily

then you can find some good cartoons, as well as Z list people showing their bits

GOP is still a messed up entity

HERE’s  what I heard yesterday plus my solution

Quote  Trump is a Lunatic but he’s a good business man 

So better for Economy

So I vote Trump


That’s why you must say Bankrupt In Business 

Bankrupt In Character 

Hammer home.that

Thats  my Take from watching reaction to the Debate on tv today 

The USA style of advert is poncy and naff and Patronising

Be quicker on Delivery I speak as a comedy  writer 

USA normally telegraphs the joke

Be quicker and yes use the song Donald Where’s your Trousers it’s on tube

So my advert would be


How do you remember Donald Trump ?

Close up  of Trump at Podium and pull back from him ranting

To reveal no Trousers 

Voice over: Donald Trump

 all talk and 

No Trousers *

NDA. Not required 


*(an English expression, for lack of action)

So idea is like

Like old Mad Magazine from 70s

Quick and easy to produce and swamp him 

And you could get singers to make a new version  of Donald Where’s Your Troosers 

Lady gaga.  You could have s Billboard number One

Or am I too British humour for you

I am in Birmingham England after all

– September 12, 2024 

Thursday 12 September 2024

afternoon 12th Sept 2024

afternoon 12th Sept 2024

so you liked the cartoon

if you look at the Daily Mail, Guardian, Telegraph and other newspapers daily

then you can find some good cartoons, as well as Z list people showing their bits

GOP is still a messed up entity

HERE’s  what I heard yesterday plus my solution

Quote  Trump is a Lunatic but he’s a good business man 

So better for Economy

So I vote Trump


That’s why you must say Bankrupt In Business 

Bankrupt In Character 

Hammer home.that

Thats  my Take from watching reaction to the Debate on tv today 

The USA style of advert is poncy and naff and Patronising

Be quicker on Delivery I speak as a comedy  writer 

USA normally telegraphs the joke

Be quicker and yes use the song Donald Where’s your Trousers it’s on tube

So my advert would be


How do you remember Donald Trump ?

Close up  of Trump at Podium and pull back from him ranting

To reveal no Trousers 

Voice over: Donald Trump

 all talk and 

No Trousers *

NDA. Not required 


*(an English expression, for lack of action)

So idea is like

Like old Mad Magazine from 70s

Quick and easy to produce and swamp him 

And you could get singers to make a new version  of Donald Where’s Your Troosers 

Lady gaga.  You could have s Billboard number One

Or am I too British humour for you

I am in Birmingham England after all

– September 12, 2024 

Thursday 12 September 2024

afternoon 12th Sept 2024

afternoon 12th Sept 2024

so you liked the cartoon

if you look at the Daily Mail, Guardian, Telegraph and other newspapers daily

then you can find some good cartoons, as well as Z list people showing their bits

GOP is still a messed up entity

HERE’s  what I heard yesterday plus my solution

Quote  Trump is a Lunatic but he’s a good business man 

So better for Economy

So I vote Trump


That’s why you must say Bankrupt In Business 

Bankrupt In Character 

Hammer home.that

Thats  my Take from watching reaction to the Debate on tv today 

The USA style of advert is poncy and naff and Patronising

Be quicker on Delivery I speak as a comedy  writer 

USA normally telegraphs the joke

Be quicker and yes use the song Donald Where’s your Trousers it’s on tube

So my advert would be


How do you remember Donald Trump ?

Close up  of Trump at Podium and pull back from him ranting

To reveal no Trousers 

Voice over: Donald Trump

 all talk and 

No Trousers *

NDA. Not required 


*(an English expression, for lack of action)

So idea is like

Like old Mad Magazine from 70s

Quick and easy to produce and swamp him 

And you could get singers to make a new version  of Donald Where’s Your Troosers 

Lady gaga.  You could have s Billboard number One

Or am I too British humour for you

I am in Birmingham England after all

– September 12, 2024 

Trump is a Joke

Cartoon from the Guardian

some say he is a lunatic but they would still vote for him

So Remind Everybody

Bankrupt in Business, Bankrupt in Character

Wednesday 11 September 2024

4977 this is probably my most Disney ready stuff

 A load of Ukrainian downloads last night and all other languages too, so maybe a bored Ukrainian hotel worker somewhere in the world.


lots of other languages downloaded too

I still have not made a penny

as Amazon only has my English originals, and nobody wants to pay this worker

Not that I'd see any money, I have 2 student daughters at Universities


instead of the 1000s of rubbish emails

THANK YOU in the subject line


so I can see the thanks and delete it

I get so much rubbish

so enjoy the stories below, Disney would love them

and they could pay me too

Though I don't have a valid passport

so you can come to Birmingham with your check book

and Pinsent Masons can do the Legal stuff

and hello to Ang if she is still in the Print Room

and all the Tonys on security

now read on

Lec, Boris and Gregorgi Collection, the 3 Cousins


Sunday 6 February 2022.  

Somebody read this last night, 

ITS ALL ABOUT LOVE  written before Putin went mad

Lec, Boris and Gregorgi Collection, the 3 Cousins just download my Original English here


Lec, Boris and Gregorgi Collection, the 3 Cousins

I’m going to load up the files, just download. Tell your Polish, Ukrainian and Russian friends. Later, maybe Monday, I’ll try to cut and paste the actual words into a page

Ok, remember the boys are Polish/Ukrainian/Russian first cousins

and live in Pololoffoff where the 3 countries make love on the map

they mind their own business and expect others to do the same, any language will

do and US Dollars are accepted too

as I said maybe Monday 7th, in the morning,

if the screaming from my Tinnitus is at bay. and no pain too

then I’ll load up the text but the files are here so tell everybody

Peace and Good Will to all Men

Be a friendly bear like me, stay home and drink vodka and read meIMG-20240910-WA0004.jpg
Michael Casey the fat silver haired writer (in shades) from Birmingham England  
10th Sept 2024
writer of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker by Michael Casey that's me , 
a real SOB , 4th son of a Blacksmith from Kerry Ireland
End Putin's war today

Tuesday 10 September 2024

10 seconds with Melania

10 seconds with Melania

no not what you are thinking

another Ghost written coffee table book

advertised for pre order on Amazon

Deep State allegations

The Usual Lies to make fools buy RUBBISH

Before the Bubble Bursts

NOBODY in their right mind should support Trump

GOP all caved into him

For the hope of a career when he is Gone

Chaney who was there when USA was attacked at 911

which is the day after the debate tonight

What did Chaney say


what have all the Lawyers and the Former Military

in Republican Administrations said


TRUMP is a sad vengeful old fart man

Project 2025 and all that

DICTATOR for a Day

Wake Up USA

and leave him in the Dustbin of History

He uses top secrets to wipe his backside at Mare Largo

AND did nothing when Pence was in danger

Just watched it all on TV

Then the GOP sat on its hands

yet again

Now Billionaires will get Bonuses yet again

when Main Street gets nothing

All he does is sell TAT on his Truth Social

which is a dime store going bust

16dollars a share now

While Trump will try and bank Billions

while Maga people. have been fleeced yet again by him

Wake Up

Still Far too many don't bother to vote

Take a day off and do it

Or is JD Vance on the Couch more your kind of thing

and fat farty old men are just allowed to dominate

Monday 9 September 2024

4975 Trump's One Answer to everything

4975 Trump's One Answer to everything

Before I start I've had a horrible few days with Tinnitus

its the wind, the Barometric pressure

Kate's Happy Family Film will dominate the NEWS

The Death of the Voice of Darth Vader that too will dominate

BUT Tomorrow is Debate Day and the next day

is 911


Here is 

Trump's One Answer to Everything (c)

By Michael Casey

Thank you for your question

So Nice to be here, of course I have an answer

So much better than Biden's

His plan is horrible and stupid

Maybe the most stupid plan ever

I was talking to somebody

and he agreed with me, Biden's plan is so stupid

Maybe the most stupid plan ever

A lot of people agreed with me

Clever people, experts in the field

Such really really clever people

And they all universally agree with me

They say Donald, Sir, it's ok. to call me Donald

But I prefer Sir, it shows respect

I am such a respectable person after all

Almost everybody calls me Sir,

or I  fire them

So my plan is so clever, such a clever plan

A lot of people say its a clever plan

Possibly the most clever plan ever

even if i allow myself to be Modest

As I was saying Biden's plan   is such a crock

But mine is without exception or contradiction

The bestest plan ever to be be thought of

And will make everybody so happy

Because as I said its the bestest plan ever

Next question please.

you don't get two, you're just a woman

almost as pretty as my daughter

do you want to come visit my 33,000 foot apartment 


Sunday 8 September 2024

Trump could still win, so what are you doing to STOP HIM

Trump could still win, so what are you doing to STOP HIM

A poll said he had a lead

So he could still succeed

Yes it was a National Poll

And it is 50 races or so

So wake up and don’t take anything foregranted

SOME may like Liars and Cheats and Women beaters

And those who bury their old wives in unmarked and unkept graves

the mother of 3 of his children

And some may admire those who comb their hair

and say everybody is just a sucker and a loser

and If you don’y vote for me

I’ll throw you in jail for no reason

And some may like a Project in 2025

and sacking all the experienced people

to replace them with YES MEN

And on it goes, as he uses Top Secrets to wipe his backside

as their is no other Toilet paper at Mare Largo

And where had all the GOP donations gone

To payoff his lawyers for his own Private Affaires

GOP money, that’s just a donation directly to the Man himself

And now Chaney says I’ll vote for the Opposition

While everybody else sits on the fence

What about Mike Pence

You had the inside track

Speak up for History

All this shadow boxing everywhere

We are all so Loyal to the Elephant that stinks and has lost its memory

Make a trunk call to everybody, before it tramples even more people

a. rogue elephant should be in chains, not free to make so much noise

leaving pooh everywhere and just shaking its behind at you

Stop following blindly behind its fat behind leaving a trail of pooh and destruction

Or are you losers and suckers as he has openly called you

Because you stopped following the Constitution

Vote for Country not a Circus Clown in a long red tie, Trumpeting himself

tinnitus terror

tinnitus terror it has been battering me, like dancing on a volcano most of you would nt have coped I don't know how I do but i do have ...