Thursday, 11 August 2016

My 10 books all over the world on Amazon

The Sweet Smell of Perfumed Feet

The Sweet Smell of Perfumed Feet ©
By Michael Casey

The Caseys have  a long tradition of smelly feet, my dad worked in a steel works for 40 years so he had a good excuse. After a 10, 12 or even 16 hour shift mum would pull his socks off with the tongs she used to do the washing with in the old fashioned twin tub washing machine. It was a miracle for her when she allowed dad to get her an automatic washing machine after decades of the twin tub and using a mangle.

The heat in the steel works practically glues dad’s socks to his feet, hence mum using the wooden tongs, almost like joined chop sticks. Was that a pointer to my future but we never knew?  Dad would wash his feet in the bowl in the living room, before stating it was so good to have clean feet. Mum was not Veronica in the Bible, but close enough, close enough indeed. Afterwards the bowl of water was thrown away, and the bowl rinsed, it was later used to do the washing up of the dishes after we had dinner, yes the same bowl. Sometime a little Jeyes Fluid was used to clean dad’s feet, which is used normally to clean drains.

As for me we went on a school field trip to Romsley when I was 12, it lasted a week and was intended to teach townies about the Countryside, obviously with my family background  I did have some knowledge already. So we went to a pond to catch tadpoles in a little net attached to a bamboo pole, again was this Fate pointing to my future? I dived forward tin the pond and my wellingtons filled with water, so I had to take them off and empty the water from them.

Then like Winnie the Pooh following Christopher Robin we followed our teacher around all day. Then we returned to the coach that would take us back to Bellbroughton where we stayed all week, if I’m wrong I’m sure  Big D or rather Big D PhD will remember and email me. On the coach my socks had slipped down so I had to remove the wellington to readjust my sock. As the stench from my feet spread from my  feet there was mass panic in the ranks and people forced their heads out of the coach windows. So as you can imagine I am well remembered because of that episode.

Moving on a generation, my own daughter, the Doctor in waiting has smelly feet, very smelly feet. My Ck1 which lasts me a year ran out last night, so I started another bottle. When you have your own girls they will encourage you both to shave and to splash a little something on your face. I also have an old bottle of Jean Paul Gautier, you know the one with the man’s torso bottle design, the blue bottle. Anyway today I decided we’d have a smell test.

The girls were sat there laughing and joking after they had had Bird’s Eye Fish Fingers, which  is a treat of you live on Chinese food cooked by Shanghai mum, it’s the opposite to full English people if you like. So I got my bottles of smelly stuff out and put it on the table. Ck1, Jean Paul Gautier and I’d refilled the empty Ck1 bottle with water. So we would do a smell test.

To do it properly you have to have testers so you can wand the scent under your nose, you know little pieces of paper to spray the scent on. As we didn’t have any I improvised by tearing up the Birds Eye Fish Fingers packaging card  from the box and sprayed three samples on to 3 pieces of paper. Ck1 water, Ck1 new bottle and the Jean Paul Gautier. Then we smelt them in turn and the girls gave their verdict.
They liked the Ck1 best, it is a bisexual, or rather I should say suited for both male and female, unisex is the correct word, I just had to ask my Doctor in waiting. 

You can see how by strangling language I get some of my comedy, directly and indirectly. My daughters don’t really like the JPG so I won’t buy any more in future not unless the man himself reads this and would like to send me a 200ml bottle of his other creations. In return I’ll send him my 10 books and a photo of me, via email. I do have some French readers but who they are I do not know, not unless it’s Bardot.

My small daughter could not resist the temptation so she sprayed Ck1 all over my big daughter’s feet. Totoro passed by and sniffed them before dashing upstairs to hide under the beds, so what that meant I do not know. What I do know though is that a bit of smelly stuff on your face after you shave is nice, so Ck1 is the one for me, or anything if it’s free.

enjoy the photos too

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

What does it mean?

What does it mean? ©
By Michael Casey

Words have meaning words have power, they shine a light or they obscure.  Brexit means Brexit says Theresa May, which means there is no going back, she has to follow the will of the people as voted in the Referendum. Over in USA we have Donald Trump the Homer Simpson of  USA Politics, saying this and denying that, appealing to the Simpsons all over the country, so immediately Republicans will hate me.

You still have a brain so use it, never give anybody carte blanche or you will be sold into slavery of the soul, and in the end saving your soul is the most important thing you do in this life. Personally I’d vote Bloomberg but I’m not a citizen and he’s not on the ballot.

So what do words mean? I’d build a wall, will he really spend billions on building a wall, Kennedy stood by the wall and said Ich bin ein Berliner, Reagan said tear down that wall, now Trump is saying in America, land of the free, build a wall and make it tall. It’s like something from a Fairy Tale, Trump behaves like a donkey, instead of an elephant who never forgets.

The elephant remembers its friends and stands by them through thick and thin and will trumpet to defend and rally support. Does Trump do that, no he’s like a tease, maybe I will and maybe I won’t, he thinks it’s good bargaining in fact it just racks everybody off, and trust is lost all around. He is as stubborn and no amount of calling him out makes any difference, because he is as stubborn as a mule, he has grown donkey ears that’s why he leaves the baseball cap on.

Yes he is rich and yes he has given work, this is great and laudable, but is it all mortgaged to the hilt, is he really bankrupt, one payment away from disaster, only the tax details will tell. Maybe he is the product of the broken politics in the USA, nobody bothers to vote, walls are built to stop people getting to the polls, so in the end you get Homer Simpson running for President, it was actually foretold in a Simpson episode, art imitates life or so I’m told.

Sometimes it is the devil’s alternative, a donkey or an elephant, as I said I’d vote for Bloomberg, and yes I’ve used your symbols to highlight character differences in reverse. So it’s up to you decide what is best not just for the USA but for the world itself, or will Trump win and get impeached within a year, that’s if there’s no big flash on all our horizons.  

Monday, 8 August 2016

So why do you want to be a DJ with Pickle 78.8

So Why do you want to be a DJ with Pickle 78.8 ? ©

By Michael Casey

Thank you for coming Mr Casey, you prefer being called Michael. Sorry but we do like titles here at Pickle 78.8, after all we have Dr, Prof, the Teacher and all many of prefixes, it impresses our vacuous listeners. So Mr Casey it’ll have to be, is that all right Mr Casey.

Its fine, you were called Mr Casey at the hotel you used to work for as there were 5 or more Michaels, were people taking the Michael or did they just like angels. Now can you tell me why you want to work for Pickle 78.8. Because people like your voice, they think you sound like a news reader. Let me hear you read the headlines from the newspaper, oh you really do sound like a newsreader. We could get you to do the news reading as well, that’d be multitasking, the owner will be impressed.

What other reasons do you have for wanting to come and work for us here at Pickle 78.8, you need a job and your wife will beat you if you don’t bring some money in. So you are a battered husband, and you actually wrote a play called Battered Husband, was it therapy for your mental anguish. No, it was a way of taking the mick about her behind her back. Our owner is female, you have heard of Moto Goto the Japanese fashion model, she just made too much money from her art house movies she decided to get into radio stations. She just loves Branston Pickle so she decided to call her radio station Pickle  in honour of it, that and the famous scene from one of her movies where she is covered in pickle.

ever heard of her, me neither but money talks and cash screams, that was a title of one of her other art house movies, she was covered in money and the wind blew. But enough about her, this is just an investment for her, for you and me Radio is our life. So tell me what you have to offer. You know how to use a turntable and promise never to get fluff on the needle. That’s laudable, but it’s all on computer now, you started on computers back in 1978, well I suppose that’ll help.

What kind of music do you like? John Denver is one of your favourites as well as Jim Reeves, a bit of Barry Manilow. You have not heard of Garage or Grunge or a bit of Techno, what about House. You always listen to Today in the House on Radio Four before the midnight news, isn’t that about politics and parliament. Ed Balls is in Strictly Come Dancing this year, so he knows how to move, so doesn’t that count for anything. Only if he wins, or Corbyn shaves his beard off.

You know we have a play list, yes 50 tracks that everybody will hear whether they like them or not, ad infinitum until we can afford to pay for another 50 tracks. WE do play Gangham Style 10 times a day too, our owner likes it so we play it. She used it in her keep fit video, so we play it. Now can you speak gibberish for hours at a time, just talking about yourself and how you nearly puked on Broad Street at the weekend, cos you are a lad a fast talking ineloquent lad. You were the leader of a school debating society, but you can pretend to be a happening lad, whatever that is.

Now are you prepared to dress up as a sumo and have embarrassing photos taken for the website, our Japanese owner insists on this. Not a problem, have we not seen images on Google of michaelgcasey, we haven’t but we will look.

ow if you are prepared to do the news reading as well then we will pay you 3 times what you used to earn when you had a proper job. Nobody talks over the news but remember to fade out and talk over all the music, that’s if we can call it music. I’m sure you’ll be a valued member of the team, if not Kenny Everett will spin in his grave.   


3 cousins collction. Lec, Boris and Gregorgi

Friday, 29 December 2023 the 3 cousins collection Lec, Boris and Gregorgi written before The Madness of Putin Lec, Boris and Gregorgi Collec...