Saturday 12 October 2024



now i'm just laughing, Faith appeared

my Post 5000

Is Faith and I did not plan it

So as i smile and tears well up


Faith is in us, it is passed on

It is taught, it blossoms and grows like a song

and that's how my mother learnt by a song 

the teachers taught by rote and she only knew that way

Dad said she had a rhyme for everything

and the 3 times repeat method is the best way

with learning and making babies

and yes 3am works


as we are at a turning point in History

Trump has still not been locked up

and the Polls still look dangerous

Faith is the Answer


Climate change deniers

even this morning in Florida

It is unbelievable 

And Lies upon Lies

and Nazi like Future Policies from Trump's GOP

Vote Trump get Vance

as he will stab him in the back 25 with the Amendment


you need to have Faith

The darkest hour is before the Dawn

so have Faith

for faith  can move mountains

there is only one poll that matters

So have faith

Faith Hope and Charity

not Trump's NDAs

but real virtues

That are below the surface

But the relics need be removed

and. plant the mustard seeds of Hope

The Tsunami of women especially 

will win the day

Forget the Polls

the only thing to do is carry on

and Vote

The Tide will turn and wash Trump ignorance  away

the sea may seem one way

but now with 2 moons in the sky and comets too

the tide will wash ignorance away

Just have Faith, just as your mothers taught you

Faith can move mountains

and it will

Just have Faith, Faith and more Faith

5th of November is Judgement Day

And don't let anybody or anything sway you

Faith, you are as good as anybody

as my own mother used to say


not a pig sty or manger, though it did become a cow shed for 4 cows

where my mum was born

2 of mums 6 children went to Oxford and Cambridge

and our kids have gone even higher

So have Faith, and learn by rote, if you sing it you will wing it

Just have FAITH

a gorilla with a Rosary

Lourdes 30+ years ago

6 kids, a cat and a dog plus 8 to 5 lodgers

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