Sunday, 13 October 2024

Midas Touch Network, Legal AF

is one of my favourite places right now

take a look for yourselves

I'm a news junkie

BY the way the figures for Absentee Ballots reveal or indicate a lot

IF you' re getting loads of Dems sending them in

That's predictive of Nov 5th

even if polling is tighter

other Utube shows are very interesting

but remember this

TRUMP was talking to Putin

while he stole and hid top secret papers

and stuffed them in his Bathroom

Perfect choice of Commander in Chief NOT

I'll stop now

tinnitus horrors and shoulder pain

Yes I sound like a wimp  compared to you USA. folks

I'm not John McCain

and Trump called him a loser and sucker

Veterans you still voting for Bone Spurs Trump

get the cake ready to celebrate Nov 5th

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fed Granny Uncle Ben's rice and sweet and sour sauce for breakfast

fed Granny Uncle Ben's rice and sweet and sour sauce for breakfast it was a success  then after an hour or two i went back to bed she is...