Wednesday 9 October 2024

4996 Phone sex with Vlad

 Phone Sex with Vlad (c)

by Michael Casey

Say it to me just one more time

Olga the Translator purred down the phone to Trump

I think you are such a great president

The bestest President EVER

Hey Vlad I just love it when you talk dirty to me

Baby just one more time

The bestest President EVER repeats the Translator

She is 85 and was a former spy, and looks 1000 years old

BUT she can still purr

So Trump is easily satisfied

Sure Vlad I can send you some Masks

So the Chemical weapons don't get in your eyes

Ukraine are such terrible boys

He never shaves or wears a tie

That President Z is not a patch on you

There might be be a delay in the post

A lot of wind today in Florida

I should have taken my anti acid

Z is so ungrateful

All I've done for him

What does he need the Russian speaking part of his country for

Just purr for me again

I'll be President again soon

So we can share a room in Helsinki again

You lead I follow

Purr for me again

Baby give me the full 90 seconds again



Donald where's your troosers

You can find the song on Utube

Trump is a moron, his 'bible" is printed in China

some school board clown wants to buy 3,000,000 dollars worth

so its in every classroom

The Bible is the  Bible and nothing else 

not something from the Top Shelf

But everything Trump touches is so  defiled

He has to stamp Trump on it, which devalues it

USA Flag with Trump on it

Need I say more

You all know the score

Vlad will send somebody to visit  Trump

and she can use the bathroom

where all the secrets are stored

Is this FINALLY the straw that breaks the camels back

You're never getting your OVERTIME back

So my finally message to you all

Is slam down the phone and don't give him

an inch more

He's given everything to Putin already

down the telephone line

and NO Trump cannot turn Water into Wine

Nero. fiddled while Rome Burned , Trump watched TV

Nero. fiddled while Rome Burned , Trump watched TV Caesar made his horse a Senator Trump has JD Todays assignment is to draw a cartoon with ...