Friday, 20 November 2020

20th Nov 2020

 201120 well my back's getting better, I'm tempted to go out, but I may not get back up the hill again. I haven't been out for 3 weeks maybe. I could barely  walk, now I can walk very gingerly. No, I'm not making this up. An old back injury came back to haunt me.

In my mind I'm 20, though my birth certificate differs and pain says I'm 95

Damp is no good for arthritis either, I got  that from my mother and the heart from my father.

But some people must find me attractive, maybe embalmers, and those in search of silver haired fat writers from Birmingham who wear shades.

Ok, humour me or I'll cry.

I'm listening to Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells as I talk to you all, perhaps this Michael should be left in an ol field with bells ringing.

Though Tinnitus provides my own "bells"

Sadly Trump is going for scorched earth policy in  USA


if he repeated that on Twitter instead of LIES

Then he'd do some good as the body count goes past 250,000

like a small city wiped off the map, that many deaths

and 11,000,000 infections

Self Congratulations are rubbish, DO SOMETHING

Trump has left a stain oh History

what'll he do next, nuke China? and start world war 3?

As a follower of news/history his ignorant arrogance is beyond belief

The Love of Money has ruined  USA

Save the People, you can sort out the money afterwards.


Pray Hope and Don't  Worry Padre Pio said

we all need to do a lot of that

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...