Monday, 16 November 2020

Keep it up Korea

 Well my Korean readers are not sick of me yet,  over here on Blogger, this one is 

my main site. If you find 300 and Not OUT, either on Amazon or the Korean 

Translation over on my Wordpress then that is the most family friendly set of

stories, from 8 years ago maybe when my daughter were still little children.

A publisher was pleased with it too, but that's another story. 

I've pasted them in below

Arabic Altogether NowALL for KoreaKOREAN Quick Stor

but anybody can find translations just be following link  

this morning Israel, Saudi, Algeria,Germany and Bangladesh are reading my rubbish and 10 Translations have been downloaded via Wordpress

So like I said I have coverage but lack penetration, 

as the Bishop said to the Actress  which if you are clever you'll know 

comes from The Saint books

I only know this, because 50 years ago I read a couple of the books, but go Google  and see if my memory is right.

If anybody  is reading this today MASK UP

real men wear MASKS.

Or do you want to turn USA into a 3rd world country

It will take 6 months more before everything returns to normal

The inventor of the Anti Covid 19 Vaccine said so on Tv yesterday

You have to inoculate millions and it takes a while to be "safe"

So just wear a MASK like they do in the East, when you are out and about

Or because of Vanity will you destroy your own family,friends and country.

And by the Way TRUMP is a child, beware of Tyrants


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