Wednesday, 11 November 2020

11th November 2020

 Well today's piece was the most revealing, all about scars etc, do you still find me

so attractive?

Today also was my dad's 99th Birthday 

If he were still alive

I was looking at a photo from his 80th Birthday 19 years ago

my small daughter was a few months old then

he died 2 months after his Birthday

he was buried just before my big sister's Birthday

she herself died recently, less than 2 months ago

So the circle of Life and Death goes on

Today Korea continues to discover me

and German and Arab readers are reading me too

maybe even the White House, behind the barricades

Whoever you are, and wherever you are

Thanks for passing by

And tell all your friends, stick it on your Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok

or write it on the toilet wall, in washable crayon

I still feel a lot of pain with my bad back, on top of all

the other stuff, so enjoy me while I'm here.

So spread the word before my sites die.

I tell my daughters this too

My Words are all I have to offer

Empty Pages will be the future

somebody is singing that right now, hence that line.

Though I'd love to last a good few years, and dictate Tears for a Butcher

to my Korean Kpop speed typist, then have 4 more children

My dad had six kids, so as I loved my dad so much

It would be nice to copy him in that too.

Though I know it'll never happen

But it's good for the Spirits to Dream

even if you think I'm only fit for the dustbin

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