Thursday, 2 November 2017

All Saints day 1st Nov 2017

Well I'm still in need of rest after my back came  back to hurt me. I have to accept I'm not George Clooney more like Steptoe the rag and bone man, though in my imagination I'm something else.
there may be steptoe on utube.

Here's something to keep you going.I did spot a nice house that we might just be able to afford, with the help of God and 2 policemen as my mother used to say.

 here's an old piece from 6 years ago

King James Bible at 400 by Michael Casey

Christmas is coming and we think of Christmas cards and family in Ireland, I write a little note and pop it in with the card. We smile as we remember the fun we had in Ireland, our aunt driving us 1000 miles in a couple of weeks, seeing our 40 first cousins. The innocence and warmth of all the welcomes and cheerios. I really should go back and see everybody, I haven't been back for maybe 15years now, small 2nd cousins are grown men and women now. It is me with the young family, 10 and 8 is the age of my girls.

But back to Christmas itself, we have got 6 mental arithmetic books on order from Amazon, 11 plus may have passed but Chinese side dictates more study, hence arithmetic. Then my big daughter sneaked up beside me and asked for water colour pencils, you get a paint brush too, I think you wet the paper and then draw, any artist out there will no doubt explain, Squid are you reading this?

Then total our Bible dictator, or is it director, the wife anyway wants the new King James Bible for the girls, they read the Bible every day. Me I got my Faith from the nipple, so I don't follow their path, I'm not a convert as my wife is. So King James came to the table, we discovered its online  on the Internet, looks nice too, display is everything, and you also get a watercolour with each chapter, so immediately my daughter was impressed. We looked at print copies and a few were badly laid out, I remember once reading Dirk Bogarde  talk about picking the font etc for his book, it really IS important. We clicked and looked inside the King James, and we even read the reviews, one review was 1/5 it was like a book reviewer and the writer said the plot was bad and unbelievable. Opposite was a believers 5/5 with a warning, This Book could change your life for Eternity. My wife couldn't see the "humour" in the  book reviews at first, my 10 year old could. It did make me think would other Faiths allow reviews of their Holy Books, religion causes wars sprung to mind, the old inaccurate old chestnut. Its man that causes everything, lets see just how many comments we'll get. As ever I'll remind you to read my stuff for that is much lighter,

And as Dave Allen used to say, "goodnight and my your god go with you"

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5190 post. Secret Service is it you?

 Secret Service is it you? USA reading me a lot is it you guys in the parking lot forever waiting for the clowns to turn up the ungrateful u...